
A lightweight RL environment for query optimization.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


JoinGym is an efficient and lightweight query optimization environment for reinforcement learning (RL). JoinGym also comes with a new dataset of intermediate result cardinalities for $3300$ queries, located in imdb/joingym.

Quick Start

First, install Gymnasium in Python 3.9. Then, to install JoinGym, run

cd join-optimization
pip install -e .

You can verify that JoinGym is installed correctly by running test_env.py provided in the main directory. As shown in that test file, creating a JoinGym environment is as simple as

import gymnasium as gym
import join_optimization  # register JoinGym

env = gym.make(

where db_schema is the database schema (e.g. imdb/schema.txt) and join_contents is a map from query_id to the IR cardinalities of that query (e.g. imdb/joingym/q1_0.json).

JoinGym adheres to the standard Gymnasium API, with two key methods.

  1. state, info = env.reset(options={query_id=x})
  2. next_state, reward, done, _, info = env.step(action)
There is one key distinction from standard Gym environments: info['action_mask'] contains a multi-hot encoding of the possible actions at the current step. The RL algorithm should make use of this information to learn and act only from valid actions, which is more efficient than learning from all actions. Example usage of the action mask can be found in our RL implementations in the `algorithms` directory.

RL Algorithms

We provide implementations of DQN, PPO, SAC and TD3 in the algorithms folder. These implementations were modified from CleanRL to handle action masks and prioritized replay.

To get started, install PyTorch, cpprb, and wandb. Our scripts accept two flags. First, --enable-bushy can be used to enable bushy plans; otherwise, only left-deep plans are allowed by default. Second, --disable-cartesian-product can be used to disable Cartesian product (CP)actions; otherwise, CPs will be allowed by default. For example, to run PPO on the left-deep environment and without CPs,

python test_ppo.py --disable-cartesian-product

To run SAC on the bushy environment and with CPs,

python test_sac.py --enable-bushy

By default, these scripts will run JoinGym with our whole dataset of $3300$ queries in imdb/joingym. You can modify the environment initialization to use a subset of queries, or to use queries from the Join Order Benchmark (JOB). Data for the JOB is stored in imdb/job.

Paper and Citation

To cite this work, please use the following BibTex.

  title={JoinGym: An Efficient Join Order Selection Environment},
  author={Wang$^\star$, Kaiwen and Wang$^\star$, Junxiong and Li, Yueying and Kallus, Nathan and Trummer, Immanuel and Sun, Wen},
  booktitle={Reinforcement Learning Conference},