Pulls notifications from a remote JSON file and shows them in your app.
- aldychrisBandung
- alirahimpour89
- aminelaadharithefabulous.co
- anand180
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- antonshkurenkoKyiv
- bulentbozdag
- davideasDavidea Solutions
- Devexlab
- hiteshchavdaeSeva
- hongxin001Southern University of Science and Technology
- iturki
- jerrychoi
- jersonLima, Perú
- JosiasSenaLyft
- jscappini@r2capital
- KeithYokomaDrivemode, Inc.
- kentreinSeoul
- kevinanew
- leonardossantosNubank
- LOG-TAGIndia
- mehdi-salehi
- morristech@ShopriteX
- pranavlathigaraRajkot
- RahulSDeshpande@dopay
- raymondSegerRocketindo
- ReubenBondMicrosoft
- rexi1r
- s7core
- simplesoft-duongdt3tiny Flutter team
- skyriderajGray Routes Technology Pvt Ltd
- stay4coldTianjin
- stoneyulay
- wandyers
- whiskeyfeiBeiJing, China
- yongjhihFlo Technologies