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LPS+ is a code to bridge NBODY6++GPU, a star cluster N-body simulator, and REBOUND, a planetary system N-body simulator. The code is an upgrade to the LPS (LonelyPlanetS) code (Cai et al. 2017; Flammini Dotti et al. 2019).
LPS+ contains mainly five files:
: an additional routine for NBODY6++GPU, to-
- select planetary system host stars,
- identify their perturbing stars (hereafter, perturbers) from the neighbour list (variable
of NBODY6++GPU) during the star cluster simulation, and
- identify their perturbing stars (hereafter, perturbers) from the neighbour list (variable
- output the motion of host stars and perturbers with high time-resolution.
: FORTRAN "header" file, to put variables into the NBODY6++GPU common blockcreb.c
: a "problem file" of REBOUND, to call REBOUND via itsC
API link to REBOUND API documentation, to-
- read initial conditions (hereafter, ic) of planetary systems,
- run the planetary system simulation with the perturbing stars, and
- reset the motion of the perturbers at intervals.
of the "problem file"creb.h
a header file forcreb.c
- NBODY6++GPU, version Dec2019 or higher: https://github.com/nbody6ppgpu/Nbody6PPGPU-beijing/tree/dev
- REBOUND, 3.0 <= version <= 3.28.4: https://github.com/hannorein/rebound/tree/3.28.4
- A Linux (*nix) operating system (All previous tests are performed on Linux; MacOS may or may not work)
- C compiler and FORTRAN compiler (which are probably already installed in most Linux and MacOS)
- Python >= 3.7 (for the one-key installation script)
Easily install LPS+ with the install_lps_plus.py
- Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/kaiwu-astro/lps_plus
python3 install_lps_plus.py
The script will download NBODY6++GPU & REBOUND and patch them with LPS+. It is also possible to use your downloaded NBODY6++GPU & REBOUND version to install LPS+. Check the options with python3 install_lps_plus.py --help
In the following instructions, I assume that:
- You have some experience with NBODY6++GPU. Perhaps you need to successfully (i) download the code, (ii) compile the code, and (iii) run a star cluster simulation at least once. (See https://github.com/nbody6ppgpu/Nbody6PPGPU-beijing)
- You have some experience with REBOUND. Maybe at a similar level of proficiency as above. (See https://github.com/hannorein/rebound)
I am sorry for the prerequisite, but simulating planetary systems in star clusters is a bit of new science 🎩 .
Follow instructions in https://github.com/nbody6ppgpu/Nbody6PPGPU-beijing .
TL;DR: ./configure --enable-mcmodel=large --with-par=b1m --disable-gpu --disable-mpi && make clean && make -j
Go to the directory of installed creb (by default: ./installed_lps_plus/creb_production
), and simply type make
- Set KZ(43)=1 in the initial condition file to enable fLPS output, and run as normal.
- By default, fLPS searches 100 stars with mass closest to 1 solar mass as planetary system host star, and for each of them, search 10 nearest neighbor stars as perturbers. The output files are LPS_Host_[star_name].txt x100, LPS_Perturber_[star_name].txt x100, and LPSdiag.txt x1. If you want to change any parameter related to host stars and perturbers, modify {n6_dir}/src/Main/fLPS.f and {n6_dir}/include/fLPS.h, and recompile NBODY6++GPU.
- How to use the output of fLPS?
- For a preview, host and perturber files can be read in Python with
pandas.read_csv(path, sep=r'\s+', header=None, index_col=False, names=['time[Myr]', 'star_index', 'star_name', 'mass[solar_mass]', 'x[pc]', 'y[pc]', 'z[pc]', 'vx[kmps]', 'vy[kmps]', 'vz[kmps]'])
(Watch out! reading the entire file may take a lot of memory!) - Note that in NBODY6++GPU, star_name is the only identifier of a star, and star_index should hardly be used.
- Each line in the host file corresponds to 10 lines in the perturber file, which are the 10 nearest neighbor stars of the host star. For example, the first line (line 0) of host file corresponds to the first 10 lines (line 0 - 9) of perturber file; the second line (line 1) of host file corresponds to the second 10 lines (line 10 - 19) of perturber file; the line X of host file corresponds to the 10 lines (line 10X - 10X+9) of perturber file.
- Besides host and perturber files, LPSdiag.txt save some diagnostics especially when the host star escapes from the star cluster.
- For a preview, host and perturber files can be read in Python with
For one planetary system simulation perturbed by stellar flybys, use
./creb --n6-result-dir=/path/to/n6/result --starname=starname --nuseptb=nuseptb --input-file-path=/path/to/input/file --reb-output-subdir=subdirname
The creb file cannot be paralleled so it uses one CPU thread (because the OPENMP in REBOUND has some restrictions). If you would like to fully utilize all CPU cores, you are recommended to run multiple instances at the same time, using the monitor script tools/rebound_c_monitor.py
. See usage using python3 rebound_c_monitor.py --help
Oh I have not gotten any FAQ yet :P . You are welcomed to ask any question in our discussion, which will go to my email automatically ~
- Wu et al. 2023 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023MNRAS.523.4801W/abstract (Currently I do not a "code paper" of LPS+, and I will consider submitting one soon. If you use this code, you may cite this <-- paper, where this code is for the first time. )
- Wu et al. 2024, submitted to MNRAS
The following papers ultilised the predecessor code LonelyPlanetS
- Cai et al. 2017 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017MNRAS.470.4337C
- Cai et al. 2018 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.474.5114C
- Cai et al. 2019 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.489.4311C
- Flammini Dotti et al. 2019 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.489.2280F
- Veras et al. 2020 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020MNRAS.493.5062V
- Stock et al. 2020 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020MNRAS.497.1807S
- Stock et al. 2022 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022MNRAS.512.2460S
- Benkendorff et al. 2024 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2024MNRAS.528.2834B
In summary https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/public-libraries/AeSjM7AhTm6PYEXAr5Gbig
- Add support to the latest REBOUND API of >=4.0