
Implemenation of the paper: "Video Segmentation via Object Flow", Y.-H. Tsai, M.-H. Yang and M. J. Black, CVPR 2016

Primary LanguageC++


Project webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/yihsuantsai/research/cvpr16-segmentation
Contact: Yi-Hsuan Tsai (ytsai2 at ucmerced dot edu)


Video Segmentation via Object Flow
Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Ming-Hsuan Yang and Michael J. Black
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016.


  • This is the authors' MATLAB implementation described in the above paper. Please cite our paper if you use our code and model for your research.

  • This code has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and MATLAB 2013b.


  • Download and unzip the code.

  • Install the attached caffe branch, as instructed at http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/installation.html.

  • Download the CNN model for feature extraction here, then unzip the model folder under the caffe-cedn-dev/examples folder.

  • Install included libraries in the External folder if needed (pre-compiled codes are already included).


  • Put your video data in the Videos folder (see examples in this folder).

  • Set directories and parameters in setup_all.m (suggest to use defaults).

  • Run demo_objectFlow.m and change settings if needed based on your video data (see the script for further details).


  • Currently this package only contains the implementation of object segment tracking without re-estimating optical flow and the performacne is a bit worse than the one reported in the paper.

  • For initialization, currently we use the ground truth of the first frame and propagate to following frames. If you prefer to use other initializations, please replace the ground truth data.

  • The model and code are available for non-commercial research purposes only.


  • The current implementation for generating optical flow is slow, so you can replace it with other optical flow methods to speed up the process.


  • 06/2016: code released
  • 09/2016: evaluation method updated
  • 10/2016: code updated for supervoxel extraction and online CNN model