
GPU-UniCache: Automatic Code Generation of Spatial Blocking for Stencils on GPUs

Primary LanguageCuda

Auto gen code

The codegen/codegen.cpp is the auto-gen codes to generate shuffle operations, user need to change the global variables in the source code to specify different stencils.

Compile HCC stencils

To compile HCC codes, just use the first 12 compiler statements in the HCC environ (e.g. t1 of hsalogin).

Compile CUDA stencils

To compile CUDA codes, just use the last 12 compiler statements in the CUDA environ (e.g. t2 of hsalogin).

Run codes

Please refer to autorun.sh, which shows how to run the codes both in CUDA or HCC versions.

About this work

Hou, Kaixi, Hao Wang, and Wu-chun Feng. "Gpu-unicache: Automatic code generation of spatial blocking for stencils on gpus." In Proceedings of the Computing Frontiers Conference, pp. 107-116. ACM, 2017.