Interaction Programing - Lab assignment - Android

This project contains the startup code for Android version of the Interaction Programing course lab assignment. For more details on how to complete the assignment follow the instructions on the course website.


Here you will find answers and tips on how to do most common tasks in this project.

Loading the picture in the view class

To help you load the image dynamically in your view class you could define this method in the DinnerPlannerApplication:

public static int getDrawable(Context context, String name)
  return context.getResources().getIdentifier(name,"drawable", context.getPackageName());

and then in your view class, you have a component you want to pass the image to (for instance ImageView) and you do:

ImageView img = //You either create new or find from layout
int drawableResId = DinnerPlannerApplication.getDrawable(view.getContext(),"drawable_name_without_extension");

Note: be sure to not have extension in the drawable name. If you are using the getImage() from the DinnerModel this will give you the image name with .jpg extension. So either modify the model, or be sure to remove the extension before you pass it to the getDrawable() method.