This is a repository for my curriculum development at Juni Learning.

  1. Tic Tac Toe Problems

    • : Tic Tac Toe with Random AI
    • : Tic Tac Toe with AI that checks if it can play a winning move or block an opponent winning move.
    • : runs Simple AI against Random AI 1000 times.
    • : AI checks for winning moves and if there are none, checks if it can play or block a fork.
    • : confirms that BestAI never loses by playing against Random AI 1000 times.
  2. Conway's Game of Life

    • Program runs Conway's Game of Life from various starting positions
  3. 2-Player's Conways

    • Program plays a version of Conway's Game of Life where 2 players battle to defeat the other.
  4. Python Level 2 Problems

    • : evaluates the random Poker hand that you get
    • : plays the card game War! and keeps track of how many turns it takes for someone to win.
    • : implements binary search solution to find the number within 7 attempts.
  5. Python Level 3 Problems

    • : runs linear search against iterative binary search and keeps track of how long each takes.
    • : program plays popular board game where players take turns and try to get 5 pieces lined in a row.