
:computer: Introduction to HTML and CSS

Primary LanguageHTML

#intro to html & css

List of starting and completed exercises for any beginners getting into html, css and simple javascript. These exercises are designed to be taught in small groups accompanied by an instructor for guidance and discussion.

The lesson numbers are in the seqeuntial order of difficulty and builds on the knowledge of previous lessons.

##suggested tools

  1. plain text editor e.g. Sublime Text
  2. browser e.g. Chrome with DevTools


  1. text tags such as h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, code, blockquote, span
  2. text formatting and lines with tags em, hr, br, strong
  3. image tag img with attributes height, width, title, alt with relative/absolute url
  4. hyperlink tag a with attributes href, name with relative/absolute hyperlinks
  5. list tag ul,ol and li with ordered/unordered and nested list
  6. table tag table with tr, td and attributes such as cellpadding, cellspacing, colspan, rowspan, border
  7. form tags form with input, label, select, option, textarea and attributes such as name, type, value
  8. linking css and js code and files with link, style, script
  9. css text properties such as font-family, font-size, color, font-style, font-weight, text-align, background-color, line-height, word-spacing, letter-spacing and font (shorthand)
  10. css hyperlinks with properties such as text-decoration for tags and pseudo classes :link, :visited, :hover and :active
  11. css background with properties such as background-color, background-image, background-attachment, background-position, background-repeat and shorthand background
  12. css border with properties border (shorthand), border-width, border-style, border-color, border-left, border-right, etc
  13. css form by styling textarea:focus, input[type=text], etc
  14. css selectors such as * {}, E {}, E F {}, E > F {}
  15. css for id & class
  16. css box model
  17. css page layout
  18. css position with absolute, fixed and relative
  19. semantic tags such as header, footer, article
  20. audio
  21. video
  22. web font using Google web fonts
  23. embed fonts using simple css syntax
  24. embed fonts using more font formats to support different browsers
  25. vendor prefixes for IE, Opera, Chrome, Safari
  26. border radius to vary the amount, position of the curvature
  27. text shadow with single or multiple shadows to vary the color, depth and position
  28. box shadow with single or multiple shadows to vary the color, depth and position
  29. text selection to change the text color and/or background when selecting text
  30. gradients for linear gradient with stops and radial gradient
  31. transform for translate, scale, rotate, skew
  32. transition with webkit-transition-property, -webkit-transition-duration, -webkit-transition-timing-function, -webkit-transition-deplay
  33. animation with @keyframes, -webkit-animation-name, -webkit-animation-duration, -webkit-animation-iteration-count, -webkit-animation-timing-function, -webkit-animation-delay, -webkit-animation-direction
  34. css3 selectors with nth-child and nth-of-type
  35. media queries for responsive design
  36. html5 forms with input type as email, url, number, tel as well as attributes like require, min, max
  37. css3 reflection with box-reflect
  38. simple jquery integration with FittextJS
  39. css sprite to load only one image instead of many images
  40. generated content with :after and :before
  41. responsive layout convert a fixed header, footer, sidebar layout to a fully flexible responsive layout fmor desktop to one-column mobile
  42. css pre-processor to code css in SCSS with variables, mixing, nesting and compile it to minified CSS with Scout App or SASS Rubygem
  43. icon fonts and generating them from icomoon
  44. simple devtools using chrome dev tools
  45. static page boilerplate with html5 boilerplate
  46. styling framework with twitter boostrap

##suggested schedule

  1. lesson 1 - 4 [4 hours]
  2. lesson 5 - 8 [4 hours]
  3. lesson 9 - 12 [4 hours]
  4. lesson 13 - 18 [4 hours]

gap of few weeks for participants to practise on work/side projects

  1. lesson 19 - 24 [4 hours]
  2. lesson 25 - 29 [4 hours]
  3. lesson 30 - 33 [4 hours]
  4. lesson 34 - 38 [4 hours]

gap of few weeks for participants to practise on work/side projects

  1. lesson 39 - 42 [4 hours]
  2. lesson 43 - 46 [4 hours]

##suggested steps for instructors

  1. take one lesson at a time
  2. explain the theory with links to W3C or MDN
  3. show examples with the links listed in each lesson under Resources at the bottom of each *.html file as an inspiration
  4. live code as a demo taking from start to complete code examples
  5. walk around to assist the class participants when they also try to implement the steps from start to complete

##suggested steps for participants post-class

When things don't work, following these steps sequentally in this order:

  1. inspect element in the browser dev tools
  2. if step 1 does not work:
    • re-check syntax with documentation in MDN or W3c
    • get to the errors in text editor / browser dev tools
    • check all file paths
    • check all relevant versions of the library used (if any)
  3. if step 2 does not work, google the question (set search option to "Past Year")
  4. if step 3 does not work, make a module of the error code in JSfiddle with only the code needed (remove other feature code)
  5. if step 4 does not work, post question in stackoverflow with JSfiddle link in step 4 and complete error messages
  6. if step 5 does not work, email someone with the links to the stackoverflow and jsfiddle
  7. if step 6 does not work, request someone to pair with you on the error

Suggested reading: How to ask questions the Smart Way and SSCCE

##general resources

  1. W3C
  2. MDN
  3. web platform



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