
Introduction into Redux Sagas

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to React Quickstart

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React Quickstart is starting kit for creating fast and responsive web applications with React. It takes care of initial developement environment setup, boilerplating and puts everything to use in simple example. Notable technologies used are: React, Redux, React Router v4, Babel, Webpack v3, ESLint.

Getting started!

Just follow a few easy steps to set project up:

  1. Install Node, preferably > 6.9.1
  2. Install Git
  3. Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/blurbyte/react-quickstart.git
  4. Install Yarn
  5. Enter project folder and install all required modules with simple yarn command
  6. Start demo aplication npm start -s and follow further instructions 🙂

What will you learn?

By inspecting source code of demo application you can get a good grasp of:

  1. How to set up JavaScript development environment for single page React web app
  2. How to organize file structure of your project
  3. How to write Redux action creators, reducers and connect components with store
  4. How to manage side effects with redux-saga
  5. How to use Redux application state in combination with container component state
  6. How to write simple unit tests for actions and integration tests for reducers
  7. How to write snapshot tests of React components with jest
  8. How to take advantage of styled-components
  9. How to integrate custom fonts