
Geocaching helper demo app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demo application project holding some Geocaching info. The backend will be built using Node/Express using a MogoDB database. The client will be built using React.js.

In the project root folder add environment variables in a .env-file.


Inside the server folder run npm installto install dependencies. The npm start commands will run the server. Running the npm run server command will run in development mode with autorestart on changes using nodemon.




  • Create initial server setup.
  • Add 404 handler
  • Database connection
  • User registration
  • User login endpoint generating a JWT token
  • Authentication & Authorization Middleware
  • User profile endpoint.
  • Municipalities data. CRUD + Seeder
  • Add CacheType. CRUD + Seeder
  • Add Cache and Comment models plus relations
  • Password Reset functionality
  • Add User profile update and delete.
  • Add basic Caches resource CRUD.
  • Add Caches resource search and filter functionality
  • Create initial client setup
  • Create initial client UI mockup