
Website vanilla client

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Website vanilla.js client


  • Setup client development environment

    • Create Vite project setup npm create vite@latest
    • Add tools ESLint npm init @eslint/config & Prettier npm i -D --save-exact prettier
    • Add npm scripts scripts for linting and formatting
    • Add vite.config.js and export empty config for now
    • Run linter & formatter
    • Replace Vite generated stuff with Hello World page with working css and js
    • Create git repo local and remote, add * and push initial commit
    • Add README
  • Add Menu section

    • Add brand and main menu
    • Add popup menu for small screens
    • Add functionality for dark/light modes
  • Add page navigation

    • Add a page router.
    • Add templates and webcomponent skeletons for pages
    • Add global state handler
    • Fix currentPage display in UI
  • Add login dialog