
HTTP Request and Response Logger Library for Spring Boot Projects

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


HTTP Request and Response Logger Library for Spring Boot Projects


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How to Use

  1. I have already published this library to Maven Central Repo, so you can integrate it to your library very easily. Please visit this place for integrating.
  2. By the default, the Spring Boot will not scan all components which is outside of the default package. So, we need to specify it as blow
  • If you using the default annotation @SpringBootApplication --> just attach "me.vcoder" on the scanBasePackages property.
  • When running the Spring Boot application, the filter httpLoggerFilter should be logged on the filter chain.
  1. There are three configuration for this library, using @Value annotation
  • "http.logger.enable" (default is true), set false in case you want to hide the log, and it will not affect your application performance.
  • "http.logger.filter.include" and "http.logger.filter.exclude" is a regex list, which let the filter should log the request or not. Note: include is higher priority than exclude. For example: to exclude on resources request on your resource directory, you should specify the exclude config as below:
    http.logger.filter=^/js/.*, ^/css/.*, ^/images/.*


. v0.0.5

  • Replace two old filters by one filter only to make sure request and response can be logged at the same time.
  • Log Request Body
  • Log Response Body
  • Exclude request with regex
  • Disable log (default is enable)

. v0.0.6

  • Fix bugs: can not login when integrating with Spring Security (Reason: CsrfFilter can not get _csrf on form data)

Please create issues for what you think this library should implement. Thanks