
Code execution runtime for the NIST De-ID2 competition

Primary LanguagePython

NIST De-ID2 Challenge

Python 3.8 GPU Docker Image CPU Docker Image

Welcome to the runtime repository for the NIST De-ID2 Challenge. This repository contains the definition of the environment where your code submissions will run. It specifies both the operating system and the software packages that will be available to your solution.

This repository has three primary uses for competitors:

  • Competitor pack for developing your solutions: You can find here some helpful materials as you build and test your solution:

  • Testing your code submission: It lets you test your submission.zip file with a locally running version of the container so you don't have to wait for it to process on the competition site to find programming errors.

  • Requesting new packages in the official runtime: It lets you test adding additional packages to the official runtime Python and R environments. The official runtime uses Python 3.8.5 or R 4.0.2. You can then submit a PR to request compatible packages be included in the official container image.

(0) Getting started


Make sure you have the prerequisites installed.

  • A clone or fork of this repository
  • Docker
  • At least ~10GB of free space for both the training images and the Docker container images
  • GNU make (optional, but useful for using the commands in the Makefile)

Additional requirements to run with GPU:


To test out the full execution pipeline, run the following commands in order in the terminal. These will get the Docker images, zip up an example submission script, and run the submission on your locally running version of the container. The make commands will try to select the CPU or GPU image automatically by setting the CPU_OR_GPU variable based on whether or not make detects nvidia-smi. Note: On machines with nvidia-smi but a CUDA version other than 11, make will automatically select the GPU image, which will fail. In this case, you will have to set CPU_OR_GPU=cpu manually in the commands, e.g., make pull CPU_OR_GPU=cpu, make test-submission CPU_OR_GPU=cpu.

make pull
make pack-benchmark
make test-submission

You should see output like this in the end (and find the same logs in the folder submission/log.txt):

$ make pack-benchmark
cd benchmark; zip -r ../submission/submission.zip ./*
  adding: main (stored 0%)
  adding: main.py (deflated 62%)

$ CPU_OR_GPU=cpu make test-submission
chmod -R 0777 submission/
docker run \
        -it \
        --network none \
        --mount type=bind,source="/path/to/deid2-runtime"/data,target=/codeexecution/data,readonly \
        --mount type=bind,source="/path/to/deid2-runtime"/submission,target=/codeexecution/submission \
        --shm-size 8g \
Running cpu image
Unpacking submission...
Archive:  ./submission/submission.zip
  inflating: ./main.py               
Running submission with Python
2021-01-13 20:39:24.038 | INFO     | __main__:main:46 - reading schema from /codeexecution/data/parameters.json ...
2021-01-13 20:39:24.038 | INFO     | __main__:main:55 - reading ground truth from /codeexecution/data/ground_truth.csv ...
2021-01-13 20:39:26.451 | INFO     | __main__:main:60 - ... read ground truth dataframe of shape (1033968, 36)
2021-01-13 20:39:26.451 | INFO     | __main__:main:67 - writing output to /codeexecution/submission.csv
2021-01-13 20:39:26.452 | INFO     | __main__:main:73 - starting simulation for epsilon=0.1
100%|██████████| 20000/20000 [00:01<00:00, 16472.22it/s]
2021-01-13 20:39:27.671 | INFO     | __main__:main:73 - starting simulation for epsilon=1.0
100%|██████████| 20000/20000 [00:01<00:00, 16697.68it/s]
2021-01-13 20:39:28.869 | INFO     | __main__:main:73 - starting simulation for epsilon=10.0
100%|██████████| 20000/20000 [00:01<00:00, 16905.44it/s]
2021-01-13 20:39:30.053 | SUCCESS  | __main__:main:84 - finished writing 60,001 rows to /codeexecution/submission.csv
2021-01-13 20:39:30.053 | INFO     | __main__:main:86 - reading and writing one final time casting to correct dtypes ...
2021-01-13 20:39:31.014 | SUCCESS  | __main__:main:91 - ... done.
Exporting submission.csv result...
Script completed its run.
================ END ================

Running make at the terminal will tell you all the commands available in the repository:

➜ make

Settings based on your machine:
CPU_OR_GPU=gpu                  # Whether or not to try to build, download, and run GPU versions
SUBMISSION_IMAGE=f17a92557e26   # ID of the image that will be used when running test-submission

Available competition images:
drivendata/deid2-competition:gpu-latest (db8768e4b9e2); drivendata/deid2-competition:cpu-396f866056cad9b4a5b2fbb863de45128dba29f1 (4d2b3d51badf); drivendata/deid2-competition:cpu-latest (4d2b3d51badf); drivendata/deid2-competition:gpu-78fdfe0ea77fa2553440e1a673f5fdae944ac995 (f2100d4c3723);

Available commands:

build               Builds the container locally, tagging it with cpu-local or gpu-local
debug-container     Start your locally built container and open a bash shell within the running container; same as submission setup except has network access
export-requirements Export the conda environment YAML from the container
pack-benchmark      Creates a submission/submission.zip file from whatever is in the "benchmark" folder
pull                Pulls the official container tagged cpu-latest or gpu-latest from Docker hub
resolve-requirements Resolve the dependencies inside the container and write an environment YAML file on the host machine
test-container      Ensures that your locally built container can import all the Python packages successfully when it runs
test-submission     Runs container with submission/submission.zip as your submission and data as the data to work with
unpin-requirements  Remove specific version pins from Python conda environment YAML

To find out more about what these commands do, keep reading! 👀

(1) Testing your submission locally

Your submission will run inside a Docker container, a virtual operating system that allows for a consistent software environment across machines. This means that if your submission successfully runs in the container on your local machine, you can be pretty sure it will successfully run when you make an official submission to the DrivenData site.

In Docker parlance, your computer is the "host" that runs the container. The container is isolated from your host machine, with the exception of the following directories:

  • the data directory on the host machine is mounted in the container as a read-only directory /codeexecution/data
  • the submission directory on the host machine is mounted in the container as /codeexecution/submission

When you make a submission, the code execution platform will unzip your submission assets to the /codeexecution folder. This must result in either a main.py, main.R, or main executable binary in the /codeexecution. On the official code execution platform, we will take care of mounting the data―you can assume your submission will have access to ground_truth.csv, parameters.json, and submission_format.csv in /codeexecution/data. You are responsible for creating the submission script that will read from /codeexecution/data and write to /codeexecution/submission.csv. Keep in mind that your submission will not have access to the internet, so everything it needs to run must be provided in the submission.zip you create. (You are permitted to write intermediate files to /codeexecution/submission.)

Implement your solution

In order to test your code submission, you will need a code submission! Implement your solution as either a Python script named main.py, an R script named main.R, or a binary executable named main. Note: executable submissions must also include the source code, which will be validated manually. Next, create a submission.zip file containing your code and model assets.

Note: You will implement all of your training and experiments on your machine. It is highly recommended that you use the same package versions that are in the runtime (Python (CPU), Python (GPU), R (CPU), or R (GPU)). They can be installed with conda.

The submission format page contains the detailed information you need to prepare your submission.

Example benchmark submission

We wrote a benchmark in Python to serve as a concrete example of a submission. Use make pack-benchmark to create the benchmark submission from the source code. The command zips everything in the benchmark folder and saves the zip archive to submission/submission.zip. To prevent losing your work, this command will not overwrite an existing submission. To generate a new submission, you will first need to remove the existing submission/submission.zip.

Running your submission

Now you can make sure your submission runs locally prior to submitting it to the platform. Make sure you have the prerequisites installed. Then, run the following command to download the official image:

make pull

Again, make sure you have packed up your solution in submission/submission.zip (or generated the sample submission with make pack-benchmark), then try running it:

make test-submission

This will start the container, mount the local data and submission folders as folders within the container, and follow the same steps that will run on the platform to unpack your submission and run your code.

Reviewing the logs

When you run make test-submission the logs will be printed to the terminal. They will also be written to the submission folder as log.txt. You can always review that file and copy any versions of it that you want from the submission folder. The errors there will help you to determine what changes you need to make sure your code executes successfully.

(2) Updating the runtime packages

We accept contributions to add dependencies to the runtime environment. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Make your changes
  3. Test them and commit using git
  4. Open a pull request to this repository

If you're new to the GitHub contribution workflow, check out this guide by GitHub.

Adding new Python packages

We use conda to manage Python dependencies. Add your new dependencies to both runtime/py-cpu.yml and runtime/py-gpu.yml. Please also add your dependencies to runtime/tests/test-installs.py, below the line ## ADD ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS BELOW HERE ##.

Your new dependency should follow the format in the yml and be pinned to a particular version of the package and build with conda.

Adding new R packages

We prefer to use conda to manage R dependencies. Take a look at what packages are available from Anaconda's pkgs/r and from conda-forge. Note that R packages in conda typically start with the prefix r-. Add your new dependencies to both runtime/r-cpu.yml and runtime/r-gpu.yml.

If your dependencies are not available from the Anaconda or conda-forge, you can also add installation code to both the install scripts runtime/package-installs-cpu.R and runtime/package-installs-gpu.R to install from CRAN or GitHub.

Please also add your dependencies to runtime/tests/test-installs.R, below the line ## ADD ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS BELOW HERE ##.

Testing new dependencies

Test your new dependency locally by recreating the relevant conda environment using the appropriate CPU or GPU .yml file. Try activating that environment and loading your new dependency. Once that works, you'll want to make sure it works within the container as well. To do so, you can run:

make test-container

Note: this will run make build to create the new container image with your changes automatically, but you could also do it manually.

This will build a local version of the container and then run the import tests to make sure the relevant libraries can all be successfully loaded. This must pass before you submit a pull request to this repository to update the requirements. If it does not, you'll want to figure out what else you need to make the dependencies happy.

If you have problems, the following command will run a bash shell in the container to let you interact with it. Make sure to activate the conda environment (e.g., source activate py-cpu) when you start the container if you want to test the dependencies!

make debug-container

Opening a pull request

After making and testing your changes, commit your changes and push to your fork. Then, when viewing the repository on github.com, you will see a banner that lets you open the pull request. For more detailed instructions, check out GitHub's help page.

Once you open the pull request, Github Actions will automatically try building the Docker images with your changes and run the tests in runtime/tests. These tests take ~30 minutes to run through, and may take longer if your build is queued behind others. You will see a section on the pull request page that shows the status of the tests and links to the logs.

You may be asked to submit revisions to your pull request if the tests fail, or if a DrivenData team member asks for revisions. Pull requests won't be merged until all tests pass and the team has reviewed and approved the changes.

(3) Useful scripts for local testing

We provide a number of scripts that you are free to use for your own local development and testing.

You aren't required to use any of these scripts but they carry out some routine tasks, so here are a few examples of what you might like to use them for:

  • Validating a submission you create with your own code.
  • Scoring a submission you create with your own code using the custom metric.

Some of these scripts by default look for data in the locations expected to be mounted within the Docker container, but we give example invocations of each that you can use locally assuming you have installed the requirements expected within the container (see runtime/py-cpu.yml or the simplified requirements.txt in this dir with a Python 3.8 environment).

(If you see us refer to /tmp in any of the invocations below, that means we expect you to have used one of these scripts to create that file.)


This script will create a properly formatted submission, albeit one that is totally random. It does so using only the parameters.json file, meaning that for the purposes of differential privacy it has not "looked" at the ground truth data at all. (We still provide an example of loading the ground truth into memory to act as a starting point for solutions that will use the data.)


Usage: main.py [OPTIONS]

  Create synthetic data appropriate to be submitted to the Sprint 2

  --parameters-file PATH          [default:

  --ground-truth-file PATH        [default:

  --output-file PATH              [default: /codeexecution/submission.csv]

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Example for local use

python benchmark/main.py \
  --parameters-file data/parameters.json \
  --ground-truth-file data/ground_truth.csv \
  --output-file /tmp/submission.csv


This script will validate and then score a submission, providing warnings if bias penalties are applied. By default, this will run in serial using a single process but you may wish to pass --processes 4 (or as many CPUs as you have instead of 4) to greatly speed up scoring.



  Given the ground truth and a valid submission, compute the k-marginal
  score which the user would receive.

  GROUND_TRUTH_CSV  [required]
  SUBMISSION_CSV    [required]

  --k INTEGER                     Number of columns (in addition to PUMA and
                                  YEAR) to marginalize on  [default: 2]

  --n-permutations INTEGER        Number of different permutations of columns
                                  to average  [default: 50]

  --bias-penalty-cutoff INTEGER   Absolute difference in PUMA-YEAR counts
                                  permitted before applying bias penalty
                                  [default: 250]

  --parameters-json PATH          Path to parameters.json; if provided,
                                  validates the submission using the schema

  --report-path PATH              Output path to save a JSON report file
                                  detailing scores at the PUMA-YEAR level

  --processes INTEGER             Number of parallel processes to run
  --verbose / --no-verbose        [default: True]

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Example for local use

python runtime/scripts/metric.py \
  --verbose \
  --processes 4 \
  --parameters-json data/parameters.json \
  --report-path /tmp/report.json \
  data/ground_truth.csv \


Given the score report output above, generate a useful visualization which may be helpful for troubleshooting where the privatization needs attention. If you open the generated HTML file in your browser and let it load, you should see a choropleth of Ohio and Illinois, the two states in the public data:

This script assumes that you have run the metric.py scoring script with the --report-json option to generate a detailed summary of results per epsilon and PUMA-YEAR.


Usage: create_visualization.py [OPTIONS] JSON_REPORT PARAMS_FILE

  Take the output of a `score.py` run and create an interactive HTML/JS

  JSON_REPORT  [required]
  PARAMS_FILE  [required]

  --template-path PATH [only used for testing, or if you'd like to tweak the template]

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Example for local use

We pass in the report created above, the parameters file, and send the output to a file that we can open locally in the browser.

python runtime/scripts/create_visualization.py \
  /tmp/report.json data/parameters.json \
  > /tmp/report.html

Good luck; have fun!

Thanks for reading! Enjoy the competition, and hit up the forums if you have any questions!