Zatech Ecommerce Client side


Clone the repository from github

    git clone

Then you can install the project dependencies by running

composer install

Setup the .env file

Create the .env file in the root folder, then configure it based on the .env.example file. After taking all the keys from .env.example to .env file, Here are some important variables that you must configure:



Start using the system

Before anything, please remember to seed data into database, so that you can have the access to the admin dashboard

php artisan migrate --seed

Then run the server

php artisan serve

Note: In the .env, the APP_URL should be set depending on your local config (e.g. valet, sail etc.) APP_URL=http://localhost:port_number_here >> or your domain (e.g. APP_URL=


As we are supporting queue for sending emails after a user has purchased a product, let's watch the tasks that will be proccessed in laravel queue by running the bellow command:

php artisan queu:work

Note: Please remember to set in the .env file the QUEUE_CONNECTION to database.


Congratulation Everything is setup, now for accessing to the admin dashboard, you can use as username and password as user password. Enjoy

Implementation process

In case you may be interested in how we have implemented this system, here are the steps we have followed:

Foundation or setup

  • Install laraval
  • Install Laravel breeze package for backend authentication
  • Install Laravel sanctum package for Api authentication
  • Implement Login and Registration with the help of Laravel breeze


  • (Admin side) - Product management(We could implement the entire CRUD, but we will start with the product creation first other can come after)

    • Seed discount settings
    • Product creation
    • Display created products
  • (Backend)Provide APIs

    • Implement Api for registration
    • implement Api for login
    • Implement Api to topup the user account balance
    • Display user account balance
    • Implement api to fetch transactions list
    • Implement Api for products
      • Api to Fetch Products list
      • Api to Purchase a product
  • (Client Side)Hookup APIs

    • Setup a React native application
    • Design registration page and hookup to its Api
    • Design login page and hookup to its Api
    • Design Products list page and hookup to its Api
    • Design Product Purchase Page and hookup to its Api
    • Design Topup page and hookup to its Api
    • Design Transaction list page and hookup to its Api
  • (Backend) remove money from account balance when customer purchase

  • Support quantity on product

  • (Client side) - handle error

  • Manage User Permission with Laratrust Package

  • (Admin side)Display Purchases

  • Notify Admin via Email when a product is purchased

  • Add images to product

  • Review Discount logic

  • Seed data into Db to facilitate people who want to test

  • Document the project in Readme file

Note: we could not cover everything that are important but in case we get that opportunity, we could improve:

  • The user experience
  • responsiveness on client side
  • add more security for the user access token on client side
  • improve the way we are retrieving the user account balance, because the more transactions the user makes, the heavier this algorithm becomes