
A simple app to show who to use Mailer with Rails API

Primary LanguageRuby


Ruby version


Rails version



  • You need to add your smtp configuration at the end of the file config/enviroments/development.rb

  • Change the email of sender sender@gmail.com in app/mailers/application_mailer.rb for your own sender

  • Change the email example@gmail.com of the test user in db/seeds.rb for your own email recipient

Database creation

This project use sqlite as a data base, to configure it run rake db:setup db:migrate

Database initialization

Run seed to load default user for testing rake db:seed

Deployment and run instructions

To start up the project run rails s and use this url http://localhost:3000/users/1 in your browser. When you call this url the send mail function is called in the methods show of the app/controllers/users_controllers.rb, this is only for test propose.