
The Python data reduction pipeline for WiFeS

Primary LanguagePython


The Python data reduction pipeline for WiFeS

For Marusa's scripts to work, don't forget to add these lines (or modifies) in the .bashrc file:

export PYTHONPATH="/priv/mulga1/marusa/reduction_wifes/pipeline/src/:$PYTHONPATH" export PYWIFES_DIR=/priv/mulga1/marusa/reduction_wifes/pipeline/reference_data/ export PYTHONPATH="/priv/mulga1/marusa/reduction_wifes/pipeline/tools-master/:$PYTHONPATH" export PYTHONPATH="/priv/mulga1/marusa/reduction_wifes/pipeline/reduction_scripts/:$PYTHONPATH" export PYTHONPATH="/priv/mulga1/marusa/reduction_wifes/pipeline/reduction_scripts/extra_tools/:$PYTHONPATH"

Modified pipeline to reduce young stars

Scripts are in pipeline/reduction_scripts/

What's changed in this version:

  • This version is adjusted for reductions of many nights. In principle you only need to provide a path to the folder for each night, the rest of params in the files stay constant.
  • generate metadata: a separate script that finds adjacent arcs for each science exposure. Output is not a pickle but python file that is imported into reduction script.
  • config file: everything you need to set. You don't have to set anything in generate metadata or reduction script anymore.

Prepare metadata

python generate_metadata_script_marusa.py configRed.py /priv/mulga1/marusa/2m3data/wifes/20190314 A new folder is created: /priv/mulga1/marusa/2m3reduced/wifes/20190114/reduced_r_ys and ys_metadata_WiFeSRed.py is stored there. Review this file to check if everything is OK.

Rename metadata file

Reduce each night

python reduce_red_data_python3.py configRed.py /priv/mulga1/marusa/2m3data/wifes/20190314 How does this script know what metadata file to read?

Convert to ascii


Radial velocity determination and correction


List of all files with objnames, airmass, instrument etc.

pipeline/marusa/files.fits, generated with pipeline/marusa/list_of_all_stars_observed_from_fitsfiles.py - it would be great if we could add 'Program' column to mark objects, tellurics, specphot etc. but would require more work.


  • files.fits: Marusa: Add a column Program (young stars), Adam (tellurics, spphot, standard, TESS), the rest is 'Other/...'
  • files.fits: Marusa: A column Useful: crossmatch against a separate text file with bad data
  • Adam: generate metadata: Automatically crossmatch against the list of tellurics. And add Bohlin 2013 HST flux standards to pywifes list of standards.
  • Blue
  • Simplify:
    • Copy all necessary files into pipeline
    • Make it more simple and robust.
  • What happens if there are 2 or more stars in the slit?