
2D/3D Game/Rendering Engine using OpenGL and SDL2

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


2D/3D Game/Physics/Rendering Engine/Framework in development. Built using SDL2/OpenGL and C++17!

Villain Engine

Supported Features

Core Engine

  • Builds as a library to be used as framework or as engine editor executable
  • 2D Tiled map parsing/loading from TMX/XML files
  • 3D Scene loading from XML files
  • 3D Sound support
  • Debug/Editor mode UI for scene graph editing
  • Attach simple Lua scripts to scene nodes for basic scripting with callbacks and dynamic automation sequences
  • Debug Rendering 2D rectangles, lines, circles, spheres, grids, bezier curves and oriented bounding boxes
  • Error logging to stdout, log file and editor console
  • Event Dispatcher system
  • Supported Camera projection types: Perspective(First Person), Third Person, Orthographic, Orthographic 2D or no projection
  • Camera Frustum culling to increase performance
  • Finite State Machine
  • Resource manager with ability to set custom search directories


  • Multi-pass forward rendering system using scene graph for 3D applications
  • Supported shading models:
    • Phong-Blinn shading with optional Toon shading support
    • Physically Based Rendering(PBR) with Image Based Lighting(IBL)/Environmental mapping support
  • Directional and Omnidirectional shadow mapping with PCF Soft shadows
  • Vertex, Fragment and Geometry shader support
  • 2D and Cubemap texture support
  • Mipmapped textures with anisotropic filtering, 4x MultiSample Anti-Aliasing enabled
  • Gamma-corrected textures
  • HDR support using basic tone mapping and controllable exposure level
  • Bloom
  • 2D texture batch rendering, multiple texture and colour support
  • Instanced rendering support for 3D models and meshes
  • 3D Model loading using assimp
  • Normal and Parallax mapping support
  • Emission/emissive mapping support
  • Post-Processing filters/FX - blur, sharpen, grayscale, invert colors, edge outline (mutually exclusive ATM)
  • Set optional skybox (with optional animation) or static HDR environmental map or a basic skydome with optional texture
  • Exponential and Layered Fog
  • TrueType font rendering (Only ASCII encoding ATM)
  • Sprite animation
  • Skeletal animation
  • Basic Nuklear UI support


  • 2D Particle Engine
  • 3D Particle mass aggregate engine:
    • Particle integration using forces
    • Force generators: gravity, drag, springs, anchored springs, bungees, buoyancy, fake stiff springs
    • Contact generators: cables, rods, constraints
  • 3D Rigid Body engine:
    • Rigid body Euler numerical integration
    • Force generators: gravity, spring
    • Collision Detection system:
      • Broad-Phase: Bounding Volume Hiearchy (Separate from rigid engine ATM)
      • Narrow-Phase: planes, spheres, OBBs
    • Collision events
    • Collision Resolution using iterative contact resolver
    • Raycast tests: closest hit, all hits for planes, spheres, OBBs
    • Basic friction model

Planned Features

  • Editor planned features:
    • Hot reloading resources
    • Saving current scene (In progress)
    • Scene camera, gizmos?
    • Prefabs
  • Physics Engine planned additions:
    • Stability improvements, optimizations (In progress)
    • Constraints: rods, cables, hinges, joints
    • Integrate BVH for broad-phase collision detection
    • Terrain contact generator
    • Friction and resolution must be set by user
    • Triggers
    • Data driven approach for particle types and emitters
  • Audio Engine: Streaming and audio callbacks, doppler effect
  • Lua Scripting API (In progress)
  • Entity Component System?
  • 3D Mesh batch rendering
  • Tessalated terrain
  • Stencil buffer techniques
  • Lens flare, Depth of field effects
  • Blending skeletal animations
  • Embedded texture support
  • Integrate terrain rendering features from 'Terrain' example
  • Camera automation


Zombie hell 3D features FPS Bullet Physics

Used Libraries

  • OpenGL - Renderer
  • OpenAL - Cross-platform 3D sound API
  • SDL2 - for window creation and input handling, version 2.0.20 used at the moment
  • GLEW - extension library for loading OpenGL functions
  • GLM - C++ Mathematics library for graphics applications.
  • ImGui - Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies (for engine tooling)
  • Nuklear - Minimal-state, immediate mode GUI written in C (for app ui)
  • stb_image - Public Domain Image Loading Library for C++
  • FreeType - freely available software library to render fonts
  • tinyxml2 - Simple, small, efficient C++ XML parser
  • assimp - Open Asset Importer Library for loading 3D models
  • libsndfile - For reading and writing audio files
  • spdlog- Very fast, header-only C++ logging library
  • lua - For scripting, configuration
  • Catch2 - Modern C++ Test Framework

Libraries and assets used by examples

  • Box2D - A 2D Physics Engine for Games
  • Bullet Physics - Real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
  • Sponza Palace - Sponza Palace Obj model made by Jimmie Bergmann
  • Animated models from mixamo.com


First install the dependencies and when use build instructions below.


sudo apt-get install -y libglew-dev libsdl2-dev liblua5.4-dev libassimp-dev libopenal-dev


Engine is built as shared library using CMake, to use it in one of your projects, go to examples folder execute these scripts in order:

  • ./configure.sh
  • ./build.sh
  • ./run.sh

Same scripts in the root folder will only build the engine as a library, CMakeLists.txt file can be modified by changing one line to build engine as an executable, but that requires having an entrypoint like int main() etc.

Dev Notes

I use neovim with clangd LSP server for editing code. To build compilation database for clangd, so I can get great autocompletion use bear. I also use CMake for build


  • FreeType class - font rendering works just fine, but it would be better if all glyphs were packed in a single texture before drawing
  • Finish refactoring/porting StateParser class from Vigilant engine!
  • Look into implementing ObjectLayer class for Tiled Maps, this way we could maybe utilise Box2D..
  • Fix Engine on Windows:
  • Linking errors for assimp
  • Crashes on glBufferData?
  • Fix generating Mesh for Bullet Soft bodies: vertices.push_back makes no sense if we resize vector, also need to keep mesh updated somehow, which means that BulletBodyComponent needs to support btSoftBody OR create a new Node Component for soft bodies!
  • Need to keep improving normal/parallax and shadow mapping techniques. Directional shadow mapping could be better, parallax needs more testing and sometimes normal mapping seems to introduce UV displacement(spotted on Sponza palace walls)!!!!!
  • Read about Deferred shading and decide if it's feasible to introduce it
  • Investigate alternative Anti-Aliasing methods like FXAA
  • Investigate better shadow techniques: cascaded shadow mapping and shadow volumes
  • Investigate volumetric lighting and fog techniques
  • Investigate water rendering mechanics
  • Read about Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
  • More testing needed for camera frustum culling, add frustum for ortho cameras, add ability to set shadow map projection plane size
  • Move all usages of header to new RandomUtils static class
  • Investigate layer stack approach for rendering and handling events: layers gets renderered on top of each other with events being propagated in reverse order (from last to first)
  • Aerodynamical force generators broken or something, struggling to create flight simulator demo
  • Rework namespace system: create Villain::Physics, Villain::Rendering, etc..
  • Fix synchronisation issues between camera and models or rigid bodies
  • Implement logic for minimising on window resize: on minimise no rendering should be done
  • Investigate reflection probes for IBL