
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

BrainFlix - Video Social Media Platform

Author - Xeniya Shoiko, All rights reserved.

Here is my backend repo

Home page


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Video Upload page


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Tools & Resources

  • Mock API documentation.
  • Postman to test the API.
  • Used react-router-dom to create the multi-page functionality of the app.
  • npm used to install JavaScript libraries - axios
  • Used the sass npm package to allow to compile .scss files in the project.
  • assets from UI designer.
  • Structure Diagram img.
  • sample video.

Functional Requirements

  • The ”Next Video” sidebar must not contain the current video being displayed.
  • Components should render using dynamic data, not hardcoded HTML (eg. comments, current video, and video-list sections).
  • Side Videos should be clickable and upon selecting a video you should update the Main Video section to display the details and comments of a new video. Think of which React concept you could use to update the UI based on user interaction.
  • Using both of the data files provided from the assets, you must use state to hold the data and pass it down as props to generate side-videos and main-video content including comments.
  • The data files provided are meant to mimic a REST API response, where one endpoint will return a small amount of data for each video that exists, the second endpoint will return all the data for one specific video. Think about how you may use the data files provided to achieve this within your project.
  • The main-video should be included in the side-videos array held in state (with the same object keys as other side-video objects) and filtered out of the side-videos section programmatically when rendering the component.
  • The main-video object, with extended properties, should be held in a separate portion of state

Functional Requirements

  • Clicking the BrainFlix Logo must link back to the home page (the page with the default video - which will be the first video in the side-videos list).
  • There must be 3 routes:
    • The Home/Video Player Page for displaying the details of a video.
    • The Video Upload Page
    • A route that will load the video with the provided video id to be displayed using the Video Player Page.
  • Clicking on a video in the “Next Video” list must go to the Video Details Page for the selected video via routing and display all the information for the video such as (likes, views, author, comments, etc).
  • Clicking on the “Upload” button must link to the Video Upload Page.

Visual Design Requirements

The site must be responsive at and between media breakpoints.

Main Video Page

  • Home Page and Video Details Page should use the same Page Component, and use two separate routes, one for home and the other for a selected video. Think of a unique property of a video object that you could incorporate into your route definition.
    • For the Home Page, the video that should be displayed is the first video within the array of videos.
    • For the Video Details Page, the video that should be displayed is the selected video within the array of videos.
  • You must use the useEffect hook as well as the useParams hook from react-router to determine when to update the main-video data.
  • Clicking on a video thumb in the side-videos section should update the URL. Do not use a click handler to update State for this scenario. This means you need to refactor Sprint 1 functionality to utilize the React Router for this Sprint.

Video Upload Page

After form submission, it should notify about “upload” and redirect to a home page with the default video selected. Upload functionality is not required for this sprint.

Video API

  • Data displayed in the app must be retrieved from the provided mock API using axios.
  • The site must use the provided API to retrieve the video links and video details.
    • The site must use the comments provided with the video details response.
  • All data for videos and comments must come from the provided mock API.

Functional Requirements:

API Server

  • The end-points and response structure of an API server must match that of the mock API server.
  • The API must have the following end-points:
    • GET /videos that responds with an array of videos.
    • GET /videos/:id that responds with an object containing the details of the video with an id of :id.
    • POST /videos that will add a new video to the video list. A unique id must be generated for each video added.
  • Submitting a new video from the form must POST to the API. There is no requirement for a user to upload the image, therefore you as the developer must provide the hard-coded image path for the video thumbnail on the front-end during the form submission within the request body.
  • Images should be served as static assets from the Node server.
    • Including the image used for creating a new video via Upload Form
  • The data should persist on the server. If you restart Node server, the data shouldn't reset. This means you need to use a JSON file for persistence, writing to it, and reading from it.
  • You should have a single source of truth for your data. Only one JSON file should be used to store all the data on your server.
    • Since you are now creating your own REST API, you now have to think about how you will use your one data file to mimic the API response from Sprint 2. One endpoint will return a small amount of data for each video that exists, the second endpoint will return all the data for one specific video. Think about how you may use your data file to achieve this within your project.

Video Upload Page

  • With the Video Upload page now created, add the actual upload functionality. Specifically, this should include an event handler for the upload form so that when a user submits a new video, it posts the video to your API in order to save it to the list of videos. A new video needs to be persisted in a JSON file with the app data.
  • There is no requirement for uploading an image file, instead, you need to hardcode an image path when creating a new video, corresponding to a static asset path from the Node server.
  • Since the upload form only has title and description input fields, feel free to fill any missing data for a new video object with placeholder values, not with extra form inputs.

Visual Design Requirements

  • The site must be responsive at and between breakpoints. Therefore it should closely resemble the mockups in the design package.
  • Any inconsistencies with the design that exist from previous sprints should be resolved so that the final app matches the mockups as closely as possible.
  • Any feedback that has been provided around the visual design from previous Sprints must be incorporated into this final Sprint. This Sprint represents the completed product that the “client” has requested.

Implementation Requirements

  • Any feedback that has been provided around your implementation from previous sprints must be incorporated into this final Sprint. This Sprint represents the completed product that the “client” has requested. If you have questions about how to implement a piece of feedback, ask someone from the Education Team.
  • Your project must follow the proper folder structure and naming convention outlined in the Project Guidelines section in Synapse and the Sprint 3 folder Structure Diagram.
  • The site must make use of the provided by the designer assets.
  • The app must use multiple React components.
  • The app must use react-router-dom with multiple routes, one for each page.
  • The project's CSS must use SASS variables.
  • The CSS must use BEM principles when naming classes.
  • The site should use Flexbox for layout control.

Project Structure of BrainFlix

Use develop & feature branches for development during this sprint, and merge your develop branch with main when submitting your sprint.

Dynamic Timestamp

To add a more refined feel to the site, let's update the timestamp in the comments section and video details to reflect when it was posted in a more human-readable format. Using YouTube as an example, a recently posted comment might display the time posted as "10 minutes ago" or "3 days ago". Apply this type of timestamp to your data without hardcoding the actual message.

Posting Comments

adding the ability to post and delete comments. The following requirements should be met:

  • When posting a comment, ensure that the page does not refresh.
  • You must POST a comment to the API.
  • If successful in posting the comment, render the new comment by sending a new request for the "Main Video" data.
  • After deleting a comment using the API endpoint, your comment section should update without refreshing the browser.

Comments endpoints

  • Implement POST and DELETE endpoints
    • POST /videos/:id/comments for creating a new comment
    • DELETE /videos/:videoId/comments/:commentId for deleting a comment

Custom Video Player

  • You may use this sample video here.
  • Video controls should not be the default <video> controls. They should be added and styled with the provided assets, CSS, and appropriate HTML elements. Refer to sprints 1 & 2 design packages.
  • Given the provided creative mockups, add full functionality to the video player. This includes details such as the play/pause functionality, the blue scrubber bar, fullscreen, time tracking, and volume control. All necessary assets should be included within your original design package. For volume control, feel free to reuse the scrubber design and assets.

Upload Custom Poster Image

  • Rather than have a hard-coded image path for the poster image of the uploaded video, add an input field to your upload form that allows the user to upload an image from their local machine.
  • The image should be added to your Node server and the data should not be reset if the Node server restarts.
  • Images do not need to be cropped upon upload.
  • There should be a default placeholder image should the user not provide one, or there should be validation to check that there is an image provided before posting to your Node server.

Getting Started with Create React App

Create React App.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

npm run eject

Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you eject, you can't go back!

If you aren't satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.

Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you're on your own.

You don't have to ever use eject. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it.

Learn More

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.

Code Splitting


Analyzing the Bundle Size


Making a Progressive Web App


Advanced Configuration




npm run build fails to minify
