
The aim of this deployment project is summarize in a single example some tips and suggestions published on https://www.scriptinglibrary.com

Primary LanguagePowerShell



Deployment Example

This deployment script shows some of the benefits of decoupling settings from the script itself, in fact all the settings are stored in a single JSON file in the config folder.

Scripts can be signed and executed with even the most restrictive execution policies, if we need to re-use script in different environments (PROD, TEST) or add/remove artefacts we can modify the JSON File without altering a single line of the script.

Splitting the deployment file and importing all other sections with dot-sourcing makes the script easier to read and to maintain.

Using Pester and writing some Unit and Integration tests for TEST environment task of creating a subfolder offers the opportunity of checking the code coverage of 100% of our source code.

PS D:\kalighost\Git\Blog\PowerShell\Deployment\lib> Invoke-Pester .\New-SubFolderWithDate.Test.ps1 -CodeCoverage .\New-SubFo lderWithDate.ps1

Describing New-SubFolderWithDate Unit-Tests [+] Should throw an error when the folder already exists 1.95s [+] Should throw an error when fails to create a folder 485ms Describing New-SubFolderWithDate Integration-Tests [+] Should create the folder 331ms Tests completed in 2.77s Passed: 3 Failed: 0 Skipped: 0 Pending: 0 Inconclusive: 0

Code coverage report: Covered 100,00% of 7 analyzed commands in 1 file. In brief, this deployment script should prompt the Environment, Project and version that will be deployed and the status of the artifact download in this case from a git repository (without using posh-git).

Output :

PS D:\kalighost\Git\Blog\PowerShell\Deployment> .\Deployment.ps1 [PROD] MyPlayground - Version: 1.0.0 Artefact Downloaded : Proxy Functions, Latest Release Artefact Downloaded : Set-HighPerformance, Latest Release