
Kafka Examples focusing on Producer, Consumer, KStreams, KTable, Global KTable using Spring, Kafka Cluster Setup & Monitoring. Implementing Event Sourcing and CQRS Design Pattern using Kafka

Primary LanguageJava

Kafka Examples Using Spring

This tutorial focus of different features of KAKFA

  • Kafka Setup
  • Kafka SSL Configuration

This demo focus on following feature

  • 1 Asynchronous Simple Event Publisher
  • 2 Event Publisher with key, this will make sure event with same key goes to same partition
  • 3 Event Publisher with callback method
  • 4 Publish event with headers
  • 5 Publish event in synchronous way
  • 6 How to use embeded kafka for unit testing

This Deemo Focus on following features

  • 1 Simple event consumer
  • 2 Event consumer with consumer rercord, this will give you more information of message like Key, Partition, Offset etc
  • 3 Event consumer with header, this will give you all the standard header and custom header information
  • 4 How to handle exception in generic way
  • 5 Manual Acknowledgement
  • 6 Concurrent Message Listener
  • 7 Retry

This section focus on how to enable usage of Confluent Schema Registry and Avro serialization format in your Spring Boot applications.

5: KStream & KTable

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5.1: KStream

This section focus on how to use KStream

  • 1 Working with KStream
  • 2 Implementing Exactly Once Pattern
  • 3 Handling Business Error
  • 4 Branching
  • 5 Reducing
  • 6 Aggregation
  • 7 Joining KStreams and Global Table

5.2: KTable

This section focus on how to use KTable

  • 1 Working with Ktable
  • 2 Aggregation
  • 3 Reducing
  • 4 Global Table

This section focus on implementing Event Sourcing & CQRS using Kafka KStream & KTable. Here we have build small Shopping Cart Service functionality.

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This section focus on setting Kafka Cluster Setup. In this demo we will focus on setting 3 zookeeper with 3 broker setup.

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