Time Tracker

This web application helps you to monitor what you did for how long. Sometimes it's cumbersome to track the exact time you invested in a particular project. This app solves this problem. You can add many tasks as you get involved in.



Deployed on Heroku for the demonstration purpose. Find Demo here


  • Add, stop, delete and restore tasks without reloading pages.
  • Responsive and simple UI
  • Uses json file to store data. No need to depend on any database.

How to install on your system

  • Clone this repository on your system
  • Run XAMP, MAMP or any php server. or simply paste all file on your remote server.
  • Delete all the data from data.json file (if there is any) to store fresh new task.
  • That's it. Enjoy using app and tracking your app without any hassle of pen and paper.


I build this web app when I was learning AJAX and JQuery with PHP. App may contain some bugs. Feel free to modify and send pull request.