
Bonk clickTrackr is a simple javascript that can track and log a visitors
clicks on your site and generate heatmaps over the tracked pages. It can be
configured to track all clicks or just the last click the visitors does before
leaving the page.

Full documentation can be found @


Put the compressed version of clickTrackr.js where you want it and include the
following in the footer of the page you want to track:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/clickTrackr.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

Create the database tables required by running the queries in setup/db-setup.sql.
Put the PHP-files at /clickTrackr/log.php on your server (no changes needed in 
clickTrackr.js then).
Copy config.php-EXAMPLE to config.php and modify to your liking.


bCT.init({ all, freq, refId, log, url, maxX, maxY });
See src/clickTrackr.js for specific info and how to modify default values.

# Arg	Default	Description
*all*	(false)	Track all clicks on the page or just
*freq*	(1)	Frequense - Only initiate the tracking for every N'th time.
*refId*	(null)	Element id where reference point (0, 0) should be.
*log*	('/clickTrackr/log.php?')	URL for the log script or where the 1x1-gif-image is located.
*url*	(document.location.href)	The current page where the script is running.
*maxX*	(-1)	Upper limit for X-values to track.
*maxY*	(-1)	Upper limit for Y-values to track.