
Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Siphon Build Status

Siphon is a library of highly optimized parsers for common protocol and data formats. The design goal is to give as much control as possible to the caller while maintaining a minimal interface. Additionally, it should provide a flexible interface for binding to from other languages. Most of this code was developed while binding it to LuaJITs FFI.

Most of the parsers use a pull model: that is, the caller requests the next value from an input buffer. This allows the caller to manage the continuation of the parser as well as the memory used for the tokens.

The library aims to make little to no memory allocations and instead prefers that the caller maintain the input buffer until a value may be extracted from it. The parser will not extract the value itself, but instead provide the bounds for the value within the buffer.

Similarly, for plain byte sequences (HTTP bodies, MsgPack strings, binary and extension values), siphon will require that the caller handle the value. This requires a little more work, but it enables much more powerful usages. Particularly this enables mixing of zero-copy primatives with the parser. For example, a process could use splice(2) to transfer a msgpack string from a back-end parser, to an HTTP response body, or splice an incoming HTTP request directly to disk.

For a quick HTTP example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <siphon/siphon.h>

static int fd = STDIN_FILENO;
static char buf[8192]; // buffer to read into
static size_t end = 0; // last byte position in the buffer
static size_t off = 0; // offset into the buffer

// reads more from fd into buffer
static void read_more (void);

// reads raw body bytes from the buffer and/or socket
static void read_raw (size_t len);

main (void)
	SpHttp p;
	sp_http_init_request (&p);

	while (!sp_http_is_done (&p)) {
		ssize_t rc = sp_http_next (&p, buf+off, end-off);
		// TODO: handle parser errors gracefully
		if (rc < 0) sp_exit (rc, EXIT_FAILURE);

		// could not parse a token so read more
		if (rc == 0) {
			read_more ();

		// TODO: do something with the token
		sp_http_print (&p, buf+off, stdout);

		// mark the used range of the buffer
		off += rc;

		// handle body values
		if (p.type == SP_HTTP_BODY_START) {
			if (!p.as.body_start.chunked) {
				read_raw (p.as.body_start.content_length);
		else if (p.type == SP_HTTP_BODY_CHUNK) {
			read_raw (p.as.body_chunk.length);

	return 0;

read_more (void)
	if (off == end) {
		// nothing to move so reset
		end = off = 0;
	else if (end > sizeof (buf) / 2) {
		// reclaim buffer space if more than half is used
		memmove (buf, buf+off, end-off);
		end -= off;
		off = 0;

	// read more at the end of the buffer
	ssize_t n = read (fd, buf+end, sizeof (buf) - end);
	if (n < 0) sp_exit (errno, EXIT_FAILURE);

	// push out end position
	end += n;

read_raw (size_t len)
	while (len > 0) {
		// only process the amount in the buffer
		size_t amt = len;
		if (amt > end - off) amt = end - off;

		// read more if nothing is availble
		if (amt == 0) {
			read_more ();

		// write out the raw bytes
		fwrite (buf+off, 1, amt, stdout);
		fflush (stdout);

		len -= amt; // update number of raw bytes remaining
		off += amt; // update buffer offset position


Siphon currently uses cmake(1) for building and installing.

Release Build

For a typical release build and install cycle, follow these steps:

cmake -H. -Bbuild/release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build/release
cd build/release
ctest --output-on-failure
cd ../..
cmake --build build/release --target install

Build Options

Build Tool

The default build tool for unix systems is make(1). While the build is reasonably quick, it is faster to use a build tool like ninja. To use ninja, change the target configuration command to:

cmake -H. -Bbuild/release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G Ninja

Project and Target Directories

This build assumes the current working directory is the root of the siphon project. To work from a different directory, specifiy the path to the siphon project root with the -H option.

For a different target directory, change the value of the -B and --build options used the various commands.

Install Prefix

The default install prefix is /usr/local, to change this, define a value for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in the target setup command. For example:

cmake -H. -Bbuild/release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/opt -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Debug Build

The debug build is preferrable for devlopment and more thourough testing purposes. These steps assume valgrind(1) is installed.

cmake -H. -Bbuild/debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DBUILD_TESTING=ON
cmake --build build/debug
cd build/debug
ctest --output-on-failure -D ExperimentalMemCheck

Fuzz Build

In addition to the test suite, the are a set of test tools that simply take input on stdin and and report back success or failure. The fuzz tests use these tools to attempt producing some input that cuases the tool to either crash or hang.

Additionally, the memory used for these tests is allocated using the allocator defined in lib/alloc.c. This allocator is very wasteful on memory, but protects against buffer over-reads and over-writes. If either occur, the process will crash and fuzz tester will log the input that cuased the error condition.

Fuzzing is a very slow process. A typical run for each fuzz test is at least 24 hours, but for critical changes each test is run for approximately 4 days.

The fuzz tool used here is afl-fuzz. If installed to a custom location, make sure that both afl-fuzz and afl-gcc are in your $PATH.

Now to build the test programs:

cmake -H. -Bbuild/fuzz -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(which afl-gcc)
# or cmake -H. -Bbuild/fuzz -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(which afl-clang)
cmake --build build/fuzz

Run the Fuzz Test

Set the test type as an environment variable:

export FUZZ=http

Currently, this can be either http, json, msgpack, or uri.

Create a directory to capture the results:

mkdir -p build/fuzz/$FUZZ

The afl-fuzz tool can be run in parallel. In order to both manage multiple shells and desire to leave the session and return, it is highly recommended to use tmux or screen.

First, start up the main test process:

afl-fuzz -i test/fuzz/$FUZZ -o build/fuzz/$FUZZ -M fuzz01 ./build/fuzz/test-$FUZZ-input

The -M fuzz01 identifies this as the main process. For each secondary process, run using the -S option instead, and use a unique number.

afl-fuzz -i test/fuzz/$FUZZ -o build/fuzz/$FUZZ -S fuzz02 ./build/fuzz/test-$FUZZ-input

I'll typically run 4-8 of these processes during the test run.