
How to use Crontab

  1. How to edit your own crontab file

    crontab -e current all crontabs

crontab -l

Crontab file


Example -

1). Everyday at 2.00 a.m

0   2   *   *   *

2). 3.30 p.m on the first of every month

30  15  1   *   *

3). 15 minuts after mid night everyday

15  10  *   *   *

4). 2 p.m on week days

0  14  *   *   1-5

5). Run Every 15 minuts

*/15  *  *   *   *

6). Run every hour

0   *   *   *   *

6). Run at every 3 hours

*   */3   *   *   *

you can use to verify your cronjobs

Remove All cronjobs

crontab -r

example -> create directory at 10.30 am using bash script

10 22 * * * ./ bash script file --->


mkdir testdirectory