An easy experiment which uses the ESP8266 wifi module to look for near smartphones around you
- cometfishAustralia
- darkomenMadrid
- DarrenRaineyUK/NI
- devBuzzyMissouri
- eltechnic0Barcelona
- elvarb
- fedurca
- FireflakerLafayette College
- Fujihita
- GitaiQAQChina
- GitforZhangXL
- idolpx
- iotool
- israelvf
- K7TRYBerea, Kentucky, USA
- kichManRussian, Moscow
- kneels@fox-it
- lanternfish
- lappaport
- lukeIam
- michaelmohamed
- MikeeI
- ModacGermany
- ndsh@Studio-TheGreenEyl
- nibelungen
- Nitinrajyadav@ten24 @ultracommerce @devco
- NucleoBLAST
- opus506
- probonopdGermany
- quantumpacketsomeone
- rodurma
- Rotzbua
- sesom
- tablatronixUSA
- u11
- vaginessaEx St. Pauli Gourmetclub -> @NinjaMiepelz