
Install @kalashnikovisme environment with 1 command

Primary LanguageShell

@kalashnikovisme environment installation

Just run

sudo apt-get install unzip && wget -O main.zip https://github.com/kalashnikovisme/dotfiles/archive/refs/heads/main.zip && unzip main.zip -d dotfiles && cd dotfiles/dotfiles-main && ./main.sh && cd ~ && sudo rm -rf main.zip dotfiles

What is it?

It's script to setup my own configuration for Ubuntu 22.04 (my current OS)

It installs Ansible and use Ansible playbook to install other applications




Items with asterix are also configurated as I like :)

  1. Ansible*
  2. Make
  3. PostgreSQL*
  4. htop
  5. git*
  6. curl
  7. SQLite
  8. Bison
  9. Aptitude
  10. Vim*
  11. Unetbootin
  12. GParted
  13. Arduino
  14. ffmpeg
  15. docker*
  16. docker-compose*
  17. rvm*
  18. GIMP
  19. Ubuntu Tweaks
  20. Google Chrome
  21. Rocket.Chat Desktop
  22. pyenv
  23. cmake
  24. Rust
  25. Telegram
  26. 1Password and 1Password CLI


  • bashrc
  • dpkg