
To help find that great article I wanted to share with you

Personal Awesome List

I constantly find myself looking for that one link to the great article on X that I read about that would be really helpful right now. Maybe a personal awesome list would help.

Creativity and art

Product Management

  • The oxymoron of "data driven innovation" — data driven developed centres product work on the majority. Great products are made by focusing on those who are underserved by current products and markets. That's how you do innovation. So look to underserved groups to build your product innovatively and effectively.

  • Top 90+ Resources for Product Managers — this is superb, so many canonical articles. First place to go for PM related thinking.

  • The first principles of product management — maximise impact to the mission and achieve everything through others. Long, good.

  • Product management mental models — great list of mental models to use in product management. They are the little shorthands you pick up through experience to help familiarise yourself in new territory. Examples: local maxima, ship earlier for customer value, key failure indicator (love that one).

  • Product Launch Checklist — very comprehensive spreadsheet covering product launch activities.

Software engineering



  • Guide to squashing git commits

  • Git magic — a comprehensive and easy to understand guide to git. Epic.

  • The git pickaxe — has the amazing git log -p -S thing to search for when "thing" was added as well as a bunch of other tips.

  • The front end checklist — great list for kicking off any front end projects.

  • Regexr — I struggle a lot with Regex, this tool to try out regexs in the browser helps.

  • Upcase — guides and lessons for intermediate level developers, mainly in ruby and rails but generic things too.

  • Makefiles — subtitled "Afraid of Makefiles? Don't be!". Covers the basics quickly and clearly.






  • Doing presentations — the OG. The only way I know how to do presentations. One sentence per slide.

  • Strategic thinking with blogs and stickers — a wonderfully clear bit of explanation of how you can communicate and embed your strategy through seemingly low key tools.

  • How to socialize changes at work — this is pretty much exactly what I think about introducing change into teams. This part is about finding allies and how to introduce your idea. It's as if I wrote it.

  • The weekly CEO email — the how and why of sending a weekly CEO update. Short version: you definitely need to do this. Possibly worth doing in any leadership role.



Tweek — this is pretty much how I like to have my todo list set up. I use Things quite heavily at work because it is easy to capture things and used to use Trello for all other things but this is decent approximation of how my brain works in simple mode.


Building web/mobile apps

  • Tachyons — front end framework for building clean sites. Built my current blog incarnation with this.



  • Swedish cardamom buns — I'd been working on making cardamom buns for ages with a few different recipes and it wasn't going great. Then one day I was doing my usual reading of uses this when I came across this recipe in the post of the wonderful Darra Goldstein, linguist and cookbook writer extrordinare! Reader, they were marvellous.

  • Soft white baps — Dan Lepard's recipe for soft white baps. Makes a huge and fluffy roll for a breakfast bap.

  • Moro sourdough — we've got this one in the book too but useful to have it on the phone.


  • How to shine shoes — the world shoe shine champion shows how to shine and get a mirror finish.

  • Negroni season — a story from the internet. Not really about Negronis.