PHP Class
MediaWikiBotThe MediaWikiBot PHP Class provides an easy to use interface for the MediaWiki API.
Usage examples
Common code at the beginning of each script:
$api = ''; $wiki = new MediaWikiBot($api, 'username', 'password'); //$wiki->setDebugMode(true); // enable this to see what's happening
$loginerror = $wiki->login(); if (isset($loginerror)) { echo "login returned an error: ". print_r($loginerror, true) ."\n"; exit(1); }
// if you do not want to edit anything you don't need this $edittoken = $wiki->getEditToken(); if ($edittoken == null) { echo "Unable to aquire an edit token\n"; exit(2); }
Edit a page
$page = "Main_Page"; // to edit a page you have to know its page-id $querydata = array( 'prop' => 'info', 'titles' => $page ); $r = $wiki->query($querydata); $pages = $r['query']['pages']; $page = array_pop($pages); $pageid = $page['pageid'];
$text = "== Main Page ==\nThis is the new text.\n"; if ($pageid) { $editdata = array( 'pageid' => $pageid, 'text' => "$text", 'bot' => true, 'md5' => md5($text), 'token' => $edittoken, ); $r = $wiki->edit($editdata); // You may want to check if $r['edit']['result'] contains 'Success' }
Upload a file
The following code works for php 5.3 (and probably 5.4).
For 5.5 and newer you may have to use a CURLFile-object instead of the
$file = '/tmp/test.jpg';
$filename = 'JustATest.jpg';
$uploaddata = array(
'filename' => $filename,
'text' => "This is just a description.",
'file' => "@". $file .";type=image/jpeg",
'token' => $edittoken,
$r = $wiki->upload($uploaddata);
// You may want to check if $r['upload']['result'] contains 'Success'