This is a repository for homeworks, projects and exercises for Diffusion Processes on Complex Networks course by J. Szawbinski and T. Weron at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.
All solutions by Kacper Kinastowski
- Introduction to networks and graph theory - nothing special:)
- Implementation of graph structure - my own implementation of graph class similar to `NetworkX1.
- Analysis of real and artificial networks - this project consists of analysis of artificial networks (random, Barabasi-Alberts, Watts-Strogatz) and real a network. Real network is a network of redditors and subreddits connected with subreddit
. The network was obtained through my application:RedditUserScraper
(i strongly recommend to play a little bit with this one!), - Random walks - random walks in 2D and on graphs
- SIR (pandemic models) - SIR model (ODE) and pandemy on graphs models
- Q-Voter model
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