An example of using Spring 3.0 with Jersey, Hibernate and DbUnit == How to run the unit tests == mvn test == How do I run the unit tests under Eclipse == Short Answer Add the target/test-classes to the class path Long Answer Try running the Unit Tests first. Right Click on the project in eclipse and select 'Run As' > 'JUnit Test' After the test fails. Click 'Run' > 'Run Configurations...' and select 'Spring-Jersey-JPA-DbUnit-Example' Click on the 'Classpath' tab, and in the Classpath view, select 'User Entries'. Click the 'Advanced' button in the dialog box, select 'Add Folders' and click 'OK'. In the next dialog box, Navigate to 'Spring-Jersy-JPA-DbUnit-Example > target' and select the directory 'test-classes' and press the 'OK' button Now Apply and 'Run' and the unit tests should run fine.
This is an example project for REST webservice builders that use Spring 3.0, Jersey, JPA, and Unit test it all with DbUnit