
Basic demo of Angular + Fullcalendar, with event filtering and color selectbox

Primary LanguageHTML

Angular + FullCalendar Demo

Live Demo Site

This is a test project for displaying event data in FullCalendar via an Angular (1.5) app. It is based on the HotTowel starter app.

Forked from HotTowel Angular

To install the original Hot Towel project, see Hottowel on yeoman. The original project contains documentation about various aspects of the code. This version just adds the FullCalendar control with a few enhancements.

The files added for calendar functionality are all ES6 files, with an .es6 extension. The corresponding .js files are compiled files (using babel-cli).


  1. Install Node.js
  1. Install these NPM packages globally
npm install -g bower gulp nodemon
>Refer to these [instructions on how to not require sudo](https://github.com/sindresorhus/guides/blob/master/npm-global-without-sudo.md)

Running the project

  • Install npm modules with npm install
  • Install bower modules with bower install
  • Run the project with npm start


  • Run jslint on the compiled .js files with gulp vet
  • Run JSCS on the .es6 files with gulp vet_es6
