Built on bootstrap v5.1.3

Requires the following to be first installed on your machine:

  1. Node (Node Package Manager)
  2. Gulp


  1. CD into the root folder of your project

  2. run npm init -y (This creates the package.json file)

  3. run npm i gulp browser-sync gulp-sass sass @fortawesome/fontawesome-free --save-dev (The --save-dev installs development dependencies (gulp, browser-sync, gulp-sass & fontawesome) into the node_modules folder in the root folder and creates/updates the package-lock.json folder with details of the dependecies for this specific project)

  4. run npm i bootstrap@5.1.3 jquery popper.js --save (The --save command installs the production dependecies (bootstrap, jquery and popper.js))

  5. run gulp (This creates the JS and CSS files in your src/assets/ folder. Your browser should open style guide properly styled as an indication that gulp is parsing .scss into .css successfully. There should display a camera icon next to the word welcome as an indication that fontawesome is loading properly)