
Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Base requirements

Implement user authentication - login page - register page npm run serve - forgot passwords page - add 2FA

  1. Dashboard page with game queue list. As user I can:
    • add game (get game info from API (
    • delete game
    • add/edit note
    • add/delete tags
    • change status (new, playing, finished)
    • sort game list. Move game up/down. Use DnD(drag and drop) for sorting
    • show only few last finished games on top of list If no sorting is applied
    • Allow filter list by status, tags, user input (filer by title)
  2. use any BaaS as backend (,,
  3. use VDS/VPS for serve static files and make external api call (
  4. setup ngnix
  5. setup ssl (use letsencrypt)
  6. setup domain
  7. use docker for setup own supabase/parseplatform instance
  8. use CI/CD DevOps
  9. Use SPA framework (Vue2 / Vue3 / React)
  10. Do NOT use UI kit like vuetify/ bootstab-vue ect.. but you can use any css framework
  11. Add unit tests and e2e test
  12. By default site should have dark theme
  13. Add light theme
  14. Admin panel:
    • Add role/permisions
    • Create default admin
    • Show users list
    • Delete user
    • change user role/permisions (make admin)
    • Show user's game queue


  1. Theme and styles refence
  2. Wireframe
  3. Figma


Pocket base

IGDB api