Ascii Doc Templates for Red Hat Documentation

Installing tools for rendering the templates

  1. Install Node JS/NPM version 12+, if you have NVM installed you can type nvm use in the command line to use the same version as the repo authors.
  2. Install AsciiDoctor CLI, so which asciidoctor should give a response


npm install

This will also do a preliminary build using's front-end assets.

Manual Re-Build

npm run build

Dev Build

This will build and reference the local version of the front-end assets, which may be more recent than what's on production.

npm run build

Dev Watch Process

To work on the Sass/CSS, use:

npm run dev

This will start a local browser-sync server that:

  • Automatically loads the a-doc-styleguide.html, which is generated from Pantheon's templates
  • Will watch and compile (in dev mode) from updates on the adoc or haml files
  • Reload the page if anything changes
  • It will run on a port from your localhost that will show up in command line