Product aggregator microservice BE

This app was created based on requirements from company Applifting. Main goal was to create a REST API JSON Python microservice which allows users to browse a product catalog and which automatically updates prices from the offer service (provided by Applifting).


  • Python 3.10
  • FastAPI
  • SQLModel
  • PostgreSQL


Application was deployed in form of Docker image to Heroku. App is accessible on this link

How to run locally

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run following command to build and run containers of app and postgres db
docker-compose up --build
  1. Go to your browser and type following
  1. You should see SwaggerUI with all application endpoints ready to be tested Main screen

Product aggregator API

Endpoints HTTP method Description
/login POST Login admin
/products POST Create new product
/products GET Get all products
/products/{id} GET Get selected product
/products/{id} PATCH Update product description
/products/{id} DELETE Delete selected product

User workflow

Application divides between two user roles:

  • Admin: After successful authentication, JWT token is generated. Token can be used to gain authorization for creation/update/deletion of products in database.
    • default username: admin
    • default password: admin
    • default token expiration time: 5 mins JWT Token
  • General customer: Can get list of products and specific product with its actual offers.


  • Provide an API to create, update and delete a product
  • Periodically query the provided microservice for offers/shops with products
  • Provide an API to get product offers
  • Data models:
    • Product - id, name, description
    • Offer - id, price, items_in_stock
  • Use an SQL database as an internal database
  • Request an access token from the offers microservice
  • Provide this token for all calls to the Offers microservice.
  • Once a new Product is created, call the Offers microservice to register it
  • Create a background (job) service which periodically calls the Offers
  • Create a read-only API for product offers
  • Base URL for the Offers MS should be configurable via an environment variable
  • Write basic tests with pytest
  • Push your code into a public repo on GitHub
  • Add a README with information on how to start and use your service
  • JSON REST API simple authentication (eq.: access-token)
  • Consider adding some reasonable error handling to the API layer
  • Provide a working Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for your application for easy testing
  • Use reasonable dependency management
  • Deploy your application to Heroku