Introduction to Reinforcement Learning from CASIA5.24

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CASIA: Reinforcement Learning 2021

An introduction about Observable, model-free, single agent, gradient-based and non-hierarchical RL algorithms.

This course combines UCL's(D. Silver), UC Berkley's lectures.



  1. class intro:
    1. RL vs. ML
    2. RL history:
      1. MDP: basic frame, lect2
      2. DP: model-based solution, lect3
      3. Model-based prediction / control
      4. Model-free prediction
      5. Model-free control
      6. Functional approximator
      7. Policy gradient
      8. invRL
      9. DeepRL
    3. Basic concepts: state, action, model, policy, reward, return, value
    4. Classification: target-based, learning-based, model-based
  2. Markov Decision Process
    1. Markov property $\rightarrow <S, P> \rightarrow <S, P, R, \gamma> \rightarrow <S,P,R,\gamma, A>$
    2. Example: Students taking class.
    3. Example: Swapping Robot.
    4. Policy, State Value(V), Action-State Value(Q)
    5. Bellman Expectation:
      • Linear equation: analytic solution
      • DP: BFS
      • MC: DFS
      • TD: half-DFS
    6. Optimal Principle: theoretical principle
      • Bellman Optimal Equation: target.
  3. Dynamic Programming: Due to Optimal Principle, Model-based
    1. Value Iteration: basic idea, limit theorem
    2. Policy Iteration: evaluation + improvement
    3. Generalized Policy Iteration: one improvement, multi-evaluation.
  4. Model-free prediction learning: learn to compute one $Q$ or $V$
    1. Monte Carlo: high var, unbiased
      1. incremental MC with fixed update stepsize
    2. Temporal Difference: low var, biased, TD target, TD error
    3. batch learning of MC and TD
    4. DP vs MC vs TD: bias-var tradeoff, partial vs complete traj, markov property
      1. DP is BFS, bootstrap
      2. MC is DFS, sampling
      3. TD is partial DFS, sampling, bootstrap
    5. $TD(n) \rightarrow TD(\lambda)$: change TD target from one step to mean multi-step reward.
    6. Eligibility traces: not quite understand backtrace makes $TD(\lambda)$ online
  5. Model-free control learning: learn to compute optimal $Q$ or $V$
    1. online learning: not require complete trajactory.
    2. $\epsilon-greedy$ + GLIE
    3. MC control
    4. Sarsa: on-policy TD control
    5. Importance sampling:
      1. off-policy vs on-policy
      2. principle: importance sampling
      3. off-policy MC, off-policy TD
    6. Q-Learning: off-policy TD control
    7. Double Q Learning:
      1. Why? Jeson Ineq
      2. Solution? One Q for evaluation, one Q for promotion
  6. Value gradient: value function approximator
    1. why? large-scale RL
    2. approximator type
    3. DP by approximator
    4. Prediction Learning by approximator:
      1. LMS value iteration: linear programming only
      2. SGD value iteration
    5. Control learning = prediction learning + $\epsilon-greedy$
  7. Policy gradient


  1. GLIE Monte Carlo Control learning
  2. Temporal Difference: Richard Sutton
  3. Sarsa: Rummery online q-learning using connectionist systems
  4. Q Learning: Chris Watkins
  5. Double Q Learning: H van Hasselt