
Solitaire Game built using Golang

Primary LanguageGo



Solitaire game written in Golang using SDL2 binding for Go.

Current Status

Running Unit Tests

Run unit tests for the entire project and output code coverage details:

go test -v -coverpkg=./... -cover -coverprofile=c.out -covermode=atomic ./...

Generate HTML visualization from code coverate output:

go tool cover -html=c.out -o coverage.html

Detailed list of code coverage per method and total coverage:

go tool cover -func c.out

Copyright Attribution

cardset-trumps.zip card set is used under this project in the resources/cards folder is based on cards by Nora Shishi, along with additions by rh0, usr_share, and Kumpu licensed according to the terms of the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution license CC-BY 3.0: http://opengameart.org/content/dice-trumps / Not all images from cardset-trumps.zip have been used and shade.gif file has been renamed to empty.gif.