
Sample solution which shows how to create Azure Infrastructure with re-usable Bicep Modules

Primary LanguageBicep

Create Azure Infrastructure with re-usable Bicep Modules

This repository contains a sample how to effectively model Bicep Modules in a microservice environment to ensure re-usability and modularity. This sample is related to blog post published in my blog (see links below).

Bicep Module hierachy

I have divided Bicep Modules to four hierarchy levels to enable powerful re-usability and modularity.


  • Main Bicep
    • Main Bicep orchestrates creation of the Azure infrastructure which contains multiple microservices.
  • Core Infra
    • Core Infra level determines each microservice and what Productized Resource Collection or Pre-Configured Resource modules are used to create that specific microservice.
  • Productized Resource Collections
    • Productized Resource Collection modules are always created for a specific use case. If your environment has multiple microservices which contains API+Database, it's beneficial to create Productized Resource Collection module for this purpose.
  • Pre-configured Resources
    • Pre-configured Resources (Bicep Modules) are prepared and configured according to company's security and compliance requirements. For example pre-configured App Service Module can force that FTP state is disabled and HTTP 2.0 & HTTPS are always enabled.


  • Open main.parameters.json and modify parameters
  • Deploy Azure infrastructure with the command:
az deployment sub create --location westeurope --template-file main.bicep --parameters main.parameters.json

Used technologies

  • Bicep

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