Artificial Flying Objects Dataset
- 128x128x3
- Around 30 frames in each sequence,
- In total 10K data for training, 2K for validation and 2K for testing
To install miniconda firstly download the installer to the desired machine here.
Then simply run the following commands:
chmod +x
<- This will make
executableconda env create --file conda_environment.yml
- Wait until it finish installing all necessary packages and then activate your new environment using
conda activate lab
- Just a friendly reminder, you have a quota of 10GB, so please do not do update all to your environment/miniconda.
You can either use the instructions from the Instructions to use MobaXterm or you can create your own tunnel via ssh using the following commands:
ssh -L[desiredlocalport]:localhost:[desiredandfreedistantport] -p 20022 [studentID]@[machinename]
jupyter notebook --port [desiredandfreedistantport] --no-browser
- Copy paste the url shown on the terminal to a tab on your browser