
An app to tell you when your sites go down.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Code Climate


Monytr-core is a background process that performs simple up/down monitoring for your websites. It's intended to be extended with a web UI in future, but works perfectly well as-is.

Monytr-core is designed to be used on an external low end VPS, outside of your usual hosting environment.

It notifies you via configurable responders -- i.e., provide a path for it to check (see config/checks.yml) and if that path returns anything other than a '200' response, you'll get an e-mail (if you've configured an e-mail responder).

## Integrations

  • Hipchat
  • Email
  • Slack (beta)

To set up integrations, see config/checks.yml and config/config.yml.example.

Monytr-core is not a persistent data store

That means it won't store average ping responses, error rates, and the like. If you need that, go pay for one of the more featureful tools -- pingdom, newrelic et al. -- they are much better tools for this.

Running monytr-core

  1. Install dependency 'redis'. Monytr expects redis to be running locally on a default port. This is used to store the last few checks so Monytr can detect state changes and flapping sites. apt-get install redis-server or brew install redis.
  2. Install gems: $ bundle install
  3. Copy config file, and then edit it: $ cp config/config.yml.example config/config.yml; vim config/config.yml
  4. Set up your checks: $ vim config/checks.yml
  5. Run the app: $ foreman start

If you want e-mails to open in your browser while developing, then set environment variable RUBY_ENV to "development" (uses letter_opener gem)


Follow above, then instead of starting the app: $ rspec

Pull request?

