
Neuron to read and write in a Slack channels

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This neuron allows you to

  • POST a message to slack (channel or IM).
  • READ a number of messages from a channel.
  • list USERS of a slack's team


kalliope install --git-url https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_slack.git


The Slack Neuron has multiple available actions : POST, READ, USERS.

Each of them requires specific options, return values and synapses example :


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None POST, READ, USERS Defines the action type
slack_token YES String None The slack token
message YES String None The text to post
channel YES String None The channel name to post the message
Return Values
Name Description Type sample
action the action USED String POST
message The text posted on Slack String Hi Kalliope
channel The channel where the text has been posted String General
Synapses example
- name: "post-slack"
    - slack:
        action: "POST"
        slack_token: "MY_SECRET_TOKEN"
        channel: "#general"
        message: "{{ message }}"
    - order: "post on slack {{ message }}"


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None POST, READ, USERS Defines the action type
slack_token YES String None The slack token
nb_messages No int 10 number of messages to read
channel YES String None The channel name to post the message
Return Values
Name Description Type sample
action the action USED String READ
messages The list of dict username:message List ({"monf":"Hi There!"}, {"Kalliope":"Hi @monf"}, {"monf":"How are you ?"})
channel The channel where the text has been read String General
Synapses example
- name: "read-slack"
    - slack:
        action: READ
        slack_token: "MY_SECRET_TOKEN"
        nb_messages: 3
        channel: "{{ channel }}"
    - order: "Read Slack messages from {{ channel }}"

An example using the Jinja2 templates files:

- name: "read-slack"
    - slack:
      slack_token: "MY_SECRET_SLACK_TOKEN"
      action: "READ"
      nb_messages: 3
      channel: "general"
      file_template: neurons/slack/slack_template.j2
    - order: "Read Slack messages"

The template defined in the slack_template.j2

{% for message in messages %}
    {% for key, value in message.iteritems() %}
        {{ key }} said {{ value }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None POST, READ, USERS Defines the action type
only_connected NO bool TRUE Only connected users
Return Values
Name Description Type sample
action the action USED String USERS
members The list of users List
only_connected the value of only_connected parameters bool True
Synapses example
- name: "users-slack"
    - slack:
        action: USERS
        slack_token: "MY_SECRET_TOKEN"
        file_template: neurons/slack/slack_user_template.j2
    - order: "List connected users to Slack"

The template defined in the slack_user_template.j2

{% if members|length == 0 %}
    No users connected
{% else %}
    {{ members|length }} members connected.
    {% for member in members %}
        {{ member.name }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}


In order to be able to post on Slack, you need to get a slack token (currently only Tokens for testing are supported).

How to get your Slack token (associated with one team)

  1. Sign in your Slack account
  2. Create a test token
  3. Get your token (Keep it secret !)
  4. Post your first message with this neuron !

Send a IM message

/!\ TODO automatise this step

You need to get the IM channel's ID.

  1. Go to Slack user api test page
  2. Select the token for the team and click to the test method button
  3. Get the ID for the user
  4. Go to Slack im list api test page
  5. Select the token for the team and click to the test method button
  6. Get the IM channel's ID associated for this user (property user)