
HTTP redirect service using ALB and GA

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT

AWS HTTP 301 Redirector

This is serverless & codeless, as no servers nor code you need to maintain, implementation of HTTP redirecting service. Advantage of using Application Load Balancer + Global Accelerator is ability to redirect naked domains, e.g. mydomain.fi -> mydomain.com/fi/ that is not possible with S3/Cloudfront -solution.

Cloudformation template is generated from Jinja template as this makes it much easier to maintain a configuration of multiple redirects. To render Cloudformation from Jinja run

jinja -d http301-conf.yaml http301-template.yaml.j2 > http301-template.yaml

Cloudformation will create all resources except the ACM SSL certificate you must have to support HTTPS. It is possible to deploy template without ACM certificate, but then only HTTP redirection is enabled. You can later update the stack with certificate ARN to enable HTTPS.

Global Accelerator provides 2 static anycast IP addresses that can be used for A records of redirected DNS entries, including naked domains. After the stack has been provisioned, you will find GA DNS name from stack output and resolve GA addresses.



NOTE: To deploy Global Accelerator for an ALB, load balancer don't have to be internet-facing nor there needs to be a route to internet (via IGW) from subnets it is deployed, but there must be IGW attached to VPC. Without IGW attachment, Global Accellerator will refuse to deploy with error message

arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:REGION:ACCOUNT:loadbalancer/app/ALBID/deadbeefdeadbeef does not have an internet gateway in its VPC vpc-01234567890abcd (Service: AWSGlobalAccelerator; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidArgumentException; Request ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx; Proxy: null)