AWS CloudFormation Community Registry Extensions

This repository hosts registry extensions that are published under the AwsCommunity:: namespace in AWS CloudFormation. The CloudFormation Registry allows customers to create public and private resources types, modules, and hooks. Modules are authored as templates in either JSON or YAML. Resource types can be authored in Java, Go, Python, or Typescript, using the CloudFormation Command Line Interface (CFN CLI) for project setup and testing.


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How to use these extensions

(Note that we are not yet actually publishing the extensions, pending approval of our release process)

Log in to your AWS account and go to the CloudFormation console. Under Registry in the menu, select Public extensions. Search under Third Party publishers for the AwsCommunity:: namespace. These extensions can be used from any template you author in a region where they are available and activated. Unlike public extensions under the AWS:: namespace, each of these community extensions must first be activated using the instructions here.

Catalog of community extensions

Name Type Version Description
AwsCommunity::Account::AlternateContact Resource Prod An alternate contact attached to an Amazon Web Services account
AwsCommunity::EC2::SecurityGroupRestrictedSSH Hook Prod Restrict SSH traffic from
AwsCommunity::CloudFront::LoggingEnabled Hook Alpha Validate that a CloudFront distribution has logging enabled
AwsCommunity::CloudFront::S3Website::MODULE Module Prod CloudFront backed by an S3 bucket with Route53 integration
AwsCommunity::DynamoDB::Item Resource Prod Manage the lifecycle of items in a DynamoDB table
AwsCommunity::S3::Bucket::MODULE Module Prod Create a standard S3 bucket
AwsCommunity::S3::BucketNotification Resource Alpha Configure bucket notifications
AwsCommunity::S3::BucketAccessControlsRestricted Hook Prod Validates S3 Bucket is configured to block public access
AwsCommunity::S3::BucketVersioningEnabled Hook Prod Validate that an AWS::S3::Bucket has versioning enabled
AwsCommunity::S3::DeleteBucketContents Resource Prod Delete all objects in a bucket
AwsCommunity::Time::Offset Resource Prod Creates a time based resource with an offset from the provided time or now
AwsCommunity::Time::Static Resource Prod Creates a static time stamp
AwsCommunity::Time::Sleep Resource Prod Sleep a provided number of seconds between create, update, or delete operations.


See the contributer guide: ./

Also check out how our release process works here: ./

Related Repositories

CloudFormation CLI and language plugins

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3p resources

We are working on a set of third party resources that will piggy-back on our release process and be published from our publisher account.


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A collection of L1 constructs created with cdk-import, based on registry resource types.

Publishing packages

(Note that we decided to move these out to a separate repo, so they won't be here much longer)

We publish our python packages in packages/ to pypi. When we publish a release a workflow is triggered to do the publishing. See the CD.yml workflows here

For cfn-guard-rs we tag the release with cfn-guard-rs-vX.X.X For cfn-guard-rs-hook we tag the release with cfn-guard-rs-hook-vX.X.X
