
Command Description
yarn dev Runs API locally for development purposes using Serverless Offline (AWS Lambda version).
yarn generate Generates both Nexus Schema Typings and Prisma Client
yarn lint Runs ESLint. Use yarn lint --fix to autofix errors/warnings.
yarn db:migrate Migrates the local database up to a specific state. Alias to prisma migrate up --experimental.
yarn db:seed Generate test data for local database

Running first time


  • Postgres installed locally, setup with credentials postgres / postgres


  • yarn to install dependencies
  • yarn generate to make sure all the correct types are generated
  • yarn db:migrate to make sure latest migrations are applied to the deb
  • yarn db:seed generate test data
  • yarn dev to start. GraphQL endpoint will be available on http://localhost:4000/development/graphql

Note: This commands assume Unix based shell (bash or similar). If you are running from Window Command Line, you need to adjust generate command, since it sets env variable TYPEGEN before running the script