Kariyer.net Data Scraping and Analysis

Since 1999, Turkey's largest employment platform that Kariyer.net, job search and with new generation technologies in the recruitment process, job seekers with employers coming together on the Internet. There are more than 25 million resumes in Kariyer.net's candidate database. They published some informations about 1597 professions like salary, job advertisements, needed skills etc in Turkey recently.

Firstly scraping data from Kariyer.net website with BeautifulSoup. Then make data more pretty and understable and readable plots. Plotly library has been used for visualization so some plots don't show because of github.

Plotly is a nice library for interactive dashboard plots but Unfortunately github doesn't support it so i think about how to putting this plot as a image file to readme. To see interactivity of plots please clone the repo and look it with locale jupyter notebook.

According to Kariyer.net report most earned professions have been sorted by decreasing.

According to Kariyer.net report most earned professions have been sorted by decreasing

Same data in bar plot

Same data in bar plot

Most preferable schools in professions

Most preferable schools in professions

Most preferable departments in professions

Most preferable departments in professions

Most wanted professions

Most wanted professions

Most wanted skills

Most wanted skills