
Node/Express with Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

How to use typescript with Node/Express app

  • mkdir ts-node-express
  • cd ts-node-express
  • npm init --yes
  • tsc --init(make sure you have typescript installed)
    • this will create tsconfig.json file
  • open tsconfig.json and change below properties:
    • "target": "es2018",
    • "moduleResolution": "node",
    • "outDir": "./dist",
    • "rootDir": "./src"
  • dependencies
    • express
  • dev-dependencies
    • @types/node
    • @types/express
    • nodemon (not required if you've already installed it globally)

How to run

  • In first tab, run "tsc -w" (Again, make sure you have typescript installed on your machine)
  • In second tab, run "nodemon run dev"