
SendIT is a courier service that helps users deliver parcels to different destinations. SendIT provides courier quotes based on weight categories.


SendIT is a courier service that helps users deliver parcels to different destinations. SendIT provides courier quotes based on weight categories.

Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability

Prerequisites for using the online version of the API


EndPoint Functionality
GET api/v1/parcels Fetch all parcel delivery orders
GET api/v1/parcels/ Fetch a specific parcel delivery order
GET api/v1/users//parcels Fetch all parcel delivery orders by a specific user
PUT api/v1/parcels//cancel Cancel the specific parcel delivery order
POST api/v1/parcels Create a parcel delivery order

How to set up the project Open the terminal and run the following commands

    $ > git clone https://github.com/kalsmic/SendIT_API_endpoints.git
    $ > cd sendIT
    $ > git checkout develop
    $ > python3 -m venv venv
    $ > source venv/bin.activate
    $ > pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    $ > flask run
    Open  in your web browser.

How to run tests

  • Open terminal from root folder of the project.
  • Enter the command below in the terminal to run the tests
  $ > pytest