
RPM | Common Packages for PHP extensions and system utilities

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The kaltura-batch (#3) and kaltura-front (#2) packages require the following dependencies which are not provided by the official RHEL/CentOS/FC repositories.

These packages will be provided by common kaltura packages that will be required by the batch and front packages.

PHP extensions

  • php-mcrypt - needed for KS generation and handling
  • kaltura-libmcrypt - needed for the PHP Mcrypt extension
  • php-pecl-memcached - memcache bindings
  • kaltura-libmemcached - needed for the PHP Memcached extension
  • php-pecl-ssh2 - needed for sFTP drop folder configurations mostly.


  • kaltura-sshpass - sshpass is needed for sFTP configs

All package specs created and build successfully.