Utility to pause unpause pipelines

Project structure

|-- config_processors/
| |-- cmt_config.py
| |-- gold_config.py
| |-- silver_config.py

List of todos/enhacements


Metadata files

  • to aid in adding/removing tables the app_vars json files are parsed
  • for each table entry metadata is maintained that gives table name and value to substitute
  • example metadata entry for member_kyc table on eu
 "member_kyc_event_v1": {
        "value": "{\"database_name\":\"vitruvian_excite_eu_silver_verification\",\"table_name\":\"member_kyc_event_v1\"}",
        "job_name": "excite_eu_int_data-enrichment-app_parameters-2"

Command line

  • still to improve, run via python for now
python3 main.py --config_repo_path ../vitruvian-deployment-configurations/ --source_system excite --pipeline silver --env int --territory  na-us-nj --table_names compensation_v1,member_kyc_event_v1
  • CMT update artifact version command
python3 main.py --config_repo_path ../vitruvian-deployment-configurations/ --source_system excite --pipeline cmt --env int --territory na-us-nj --cmt_version 1.0.533

Run via python

  • open run.py and supply params directly using python code
  • just run from vscode/ide or from terminal use command below
/usr/bin/python3 /Users/atul.verma/projects/ballys/pause-unpause-pipelines/run.py
  • example below shows functions to call to pause or unpause tables
silverConfig = SilverConfig(
    "../vitruvian-deployment-configurations/", "excite", "prod", "eu"
silverConfig.remove_table_entries(["compensation_v1", "comp_type_v1"])