
RyBucks, the cryptocurrency of the future

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RyBucks for the Rypocalypse!

The true currency of the future.

RyBucks Logo


RyBucks are the true currency of the future. If you have not been brought into Ryan's holy embrace, I encourage you to discover the source of his prophecies.

This is a basic BEP-20 coin hosted on Binance Smart Chain

The total supply is capped at 69 trillion (nice).

Currently it's only on the Binance Test Net, mainnet launch is pending.

Contract Chain Address
RyBucks test-bsc 0xAcc889a2a4e2f3a524e47453c87E3ce755711Adf
RySale test-bsc 0x96C72e97207e83aB4624Aff639bfFa8a0e48E627
RyBucks mainnet TBD
RySale mainnet TBD

How do I get it?

Participate in the RySale! Simply transfer BNB to the RySale contract, and see that your account is credited with RyBucks! The exchange rate is based on 10,000,000 RyBucks == $12.49 which at the time of writing these contracts, $12.49 == 0.00289624 ETH == 0.02160670 BNB. This results in a single RyBuck being a bit tricky to work the math out for perfectly, so in the spirit of RysGiving, sending 0.02160670 BNB will result in you receiving a little more than 10 million RyBucks.


In case this wasn't clear, this is a meme coin with little to no utility (at least until the Rypocalypse happens). It serves only as a joke. I've done some testing of the contracts and utilized as much as I could from open zeppelin, but they are not audited. They were made by me half drunk on a Friday night. It is perfectly possible they contain bugs and flaws. If you are actually entertained/dumb enough to purchase some RyBucks, do so with all of this in mind. It is certainly not an investment, at least not a good one. I did this partially as a learning experience, and partially as a joke.